Could this be the beginning of a global disaster?

Could this be the start of a global catastrophe?Photo from open sources

Siberian crater Batagayka, nicknamed by locals “gates of hell” is catastrophically expanding. And that worries scientists all over the world.

According to Julian Marton (British University of Sussex), Siberian megavadin, which began to form in the sixties years of the last century due to massive deforestation of Siberian forests, may lead to sad consequences for the whole Earth. She is only the beginning a huge process of permafrost melting that will be accompanied emissions of methane in huge quantities. North the hemisphere stores up to fifty percent of the planet’s methane reserves. And this gas causes a much more powerful greenhouse effect than carbonic, with which we are struggling so unsuccessfully today, trying save the earth.

Currently, the length of the Batagayk crater is about kilometers, depth – ninety meters. However, the “gates of hell” continue to grow, an average of fifteen meters per year. In abnormally in warm years, this growth sometimes doubles.

Stopping this process is almost impossible, explains German scientist Frank Gunter (Alfred Wegener Institute in Potsdam), because the world does not yet have technology for this. Researchers have only to be content with studying dangerous to the planet crater yes watch the catastrophic a change in the Siberian climate.

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