Created an engine that does not need fuel

A photo from open sources

A machine that runs without fuel is the same science chimera as a perpetual motion machine. Any competent physicist will say that to create such a machine is simply impossible and will confirm your words quoting a dozen scientific laws and a hundred formulas. However such engine created. He works!

EmDrive British Inventor

The theoretical rationale for creating such an engine belongs British inventor Roger Scheuer. In 2006, he built experimental model. Cravings in 16 pl. (millinewton) created microwaves oscillating around a vacuum container. The electrical energy needed to create microwaves generated solar panels. The inventor called his car EmDrive

A photo from open sources

The scientific community did not accept Shoeer’s idea because it contrary to several fundamental physical laws, and above all, the law on conservation of momentum. Engine has been assigned to the category of “impossible”, the inventor was ridiculed.

An incredulous Chinese experiment

In 2009, curious Chinese decided to collect quantum vacuum-plasma engine according to Scheer’s scheme and see what will be. The assembled engine earned and developed a thrust of 720 mn., About than the Chinese told the world.

The Western world has missed this message: well, what can come up with these chinese? Still nuclear and space China in the eyes of the western man in the street – nothing more than a global manufacturer mechanical alarms.

However, the idea, once released into the world, and received practical confirmation, could no longer “die.”

NASA confirms

In August 2014, a group of NASA researchers led by Guido Fetto, based on the principles of Roger Scheuer, built her EmDrive option. The engine of the Americans was “thinner” Chinese (“underdeveloped” China left far behind “advanced” America). But the very fact of the possibility of obtaining traction without external recharge was confirmed.

A photo from open sources

NASA posted an official report on its official website tests, according to which the running engine did not reduce generated traction for hours. In fact, if EmDrive does not stop, it will work until it starts failure of its elements.

What EmDrive will bring to humanity

To understand what prospects open to mankind Roger Scheuer, imagine a car without a gas tank, a ship without fuel tanks, a plane that does not need refueling. Spaceship instead of heavy fuel containers will carry the scientific equipment, cargo. Fabulous now the cost of space travel will fall to the price of used Mercedes. EvDrive may well become a source of energy. The extraction of minerals (coal, oil, gas) for their sake will cease combustion in the furnaces of thermal power plants.

Roger Scheuer’s discovery also has another, no less interesting – scientific aspect. The contradiction of EmDrive to the fundamental laws of physics not gone anywhere. Dr. Harold White of the Space Center. Lyndon Johnson believes that we are faced with electromagnetic a phenomenon still unknown to science. What will bring the world to study this phenomenon, no one can predict.

Each scientific idea goes through three stages. First: what nonsense! Second: there is something in it. Third: but who does not know this! EmDrive has already taken the second step. There is a little bit left before the third.

Posted by Klim Podkova

China NASA

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