Photo from open sources
Crop Circles in Many Parts of the World representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations are real admirable and awe-inspiring works of art uncharted. Incredible drawings, measured to a centimeter and depicting complex geometric shapes, impossible to fake manually. However, few people think that farmers who belong to the field, seriously suffer from such activities aliens.
For example, a resident of the English community of Hannington (county Wiltshire) Shelley Klindt recently became another space victim artists using as canvas for their work crops of earthlings. On the night of August 3 in a woman-owned field suddenly a circle with a diameter of more than 60 meters appeared. It is shown on video below made recently with quadrocopter. The farmer was truly shocked and saddened by such a discovery. It’s easy to understand: “green men” destroyed about 8 tons of cereals to depict a huge field A circle with many triangles inside.
However, the enterprising farmer was not at a loss and quickly found a way to make up for material loss. When about a mysterious figure on the field told the BBC news, to Shelley’s property hundreds of onlookers began to draw in. Our heroine permits them admire the wonderful circle, but in return asks everyone visitor make a donation of £ 2. So that the curious do not trample the crops, stands near the field auto hydraulic lift.
Despite the fact that in the UK such circles appear relatively often, a giant formation on a field of mature wheat is for Klindts the first in the history of their family. In the coming the weekend, the farmers will reap a crop, and a striking pattern forever will disappear.
Notably, in the UK the creation of crop circles is a crime. Local law enforcement officers are asking farmers Report similar incidents. However, not a single bully yet was not caught here for such an occupation, while the drawings on the crops keep appearing here and there, every time during the night, foggy morning – in general, in the most deserted hours. May be, British police should try to deal with aliens? ..
Great Britain