Powerful cyclones “Holy Judas” and “Haiyan” led many to think that the Earth’s climate has irreversibly deteriorated. But is it so on really? Deputy Director for Situation Center Hydrometeorological Center of Russia Yuri Varakin believes that in the occurrence of these cyclones is not unusual. So with Earth’s climate so far is all right. Indeed, at first a glance may seem that something is happening with the Earth’s climate weird. Before the inhabitants of Northern Europe came to their senses after of how the storm “Holy Judas” caused great damage to the inhabitants points located on the coast, like a new disaster, called typhoon Haiyang unleashes all its power in the Philippines, China and the north Vietnam. There was no longer only destruction – the riot elements led to human casualties, the number of which made local authorities declare this typhoon the most destructive in the history of mankind. Photos from open sources Similar phenomena cause a natural the question is why do they occur? Is such a riot logical elements, or these cataclysms are caused by irreversible changes climate possibly caused by human activity? And if the latter is true, then should not one expect that tomorrow such natural disasters will become the norm, and humanity will have to invent some new measures capable of ensure the safety of residents of the regions where these disasters happen? About all this and much more during the live broadcast “What happens to the Earth’s climate?” told Pravda.Ru Deputy Director for the Situation Center of the Hydrometeorological Center Russia Yuri Varakin. According to him, any cataclysm combines everything features of a natural and unique. So in this respect and “Holy Judas”, and not at all holy “Haiyan” are no exception – their occurrence is quite natural. But the most powerful force of these cyclones, which made them so destructive – a unique phenomenon. “First, let’s define the terminology,” says Yuri Evgenievich – “Both” Holy Judas “and” Haiyan “are nothing but cyclones, i.e. atmospheric disturbances with reduced pressure in the center and swirl air. Only Haiyan is tropical cyclone, and “Holy Judas” – extratropical, in this and difference. First, let’s talk about the latter – he was still closer to us.
Photos from open sources The formation of such cyclones in the North The Atlantic is very characteristic of our time of year. It happens due to the interaction of warm ocean waters with the cold air of the Arctic – cyclones generally form precisely at the contact point of warm and cold zones. By the way, now in this region is forming another powerful cyclone – this happens just north of Iceland. So soon he will also walk through northern Europe and bring with strong winds and heavy rainfall. As you can see, education “St. Jude” – a completely natural phenomenon. Unusual was only his power – and this was due to the fact that the pressure in the center the cyclone was slightly lower than usual. Also played his role and some random factor – cyclone regeneration occurred. A this happened due to the fact that the approach of “St. Jude” to territories of England and Wales collision of this cyclone with a cold front that passed just south of Ireland. I.e, as you see, again collisions of heat with cold, as a result of of which, already having lost its power, “Holy Judas”, again “perked up.” As a result, the temperature contrast formed one center of the cyclone, and this led to heavy rainfall and very strong winds, which caused so much destruction. Around too the most can be said about Haiyan – the appearance of this typhoon was quite natural. In this region of the pacific generally mid-November lasts a “typhoon-hazardous” period. This is happening because seawater until this time remains very warm (not below 27 degrees), and from the north, cold air. There is a cyclone, which, “spinning” itself, gaining strength and power, turning into what is called the word “typhoon” (it, By the way, comes from the Chinese “Tai Feng”, which means “very strong wind “- ed.). That is how the very” Haiyan “arose, which brought a lot of misfortune to the people of East Asia. But here is a huge the power of this typhoon is really, as is the case with “Holy Judas”, was generated by a combination of unique circumstances. First of all, in this is to blame for the fact that in the fall of this year, water The Pacific Ocean near Asia was warmed up more than usual. It and led to the fact that, having arisen, the cyclone immediately gained great strength. Well, and then he just walked to those places where there was a pronounced the temperature contrast also became stronger and stronger from this. That’s why he brought such destructive winds, the speed of which reached 300 kilometers per hour! As you can see, both disasters are combination of regularity and chance. The pattern is manifested in the fact that these cyclones arose in those places where their probability the appearance is very, very high. But it turned out to be an accident combination of various factors acting in a given place in this time. After all, it could have been different – for example, if this cyclone would have run into a blocking anticyclone in those parts, then he would spin around him until he was exhausted. And there wasn’t there would be no destruction. And maybe in a different way – one cyclone could to catch up with the second and strengthen it – something like that, by the way, happened with the “Holy Judas”. However, I want to emphasize that no climatic anomaly can be traced in this. Yes, “Holy Judas” and “Haiyan” are quite rare occurrences. However I dare to assure you that this happened both in the North Atlantic and in The Pacific Ocean – typhoons are known to mankind and are stronger than “Hayyan”. Therefore, to conclude that all these cyclones represent evidence of some kind of global climate change completely incorrect. By the way, I also want to note that both powerful storms were predicted in advance and, moreover, their routes almost 99 percent coincided with the calculated, which indicates that they completely fit into our ideas about the current Earth’s climate.
Photos from open sources Well, if we talk about climate changes in general, then, probably, it’s necessary not to say that the climate is irreversibly changing, but about what is happening now imbalance. That is, in some regions actions are affected global warming effects, but not in others. So, in the Arctic the ice is melting, and in Antarctica, on the contrary, the ice cap is growing from a huge speed. That is why now you can’t even talk about irreversible changes – we still have little information about those processes that are happening now. Well and of course you should not fear this – because even if now something is changing, the effect It will be very long-term, its only our great-grandchildren on themselves will feel. The atmosphere and hydrosphere are very inert systems, sharply they never change. In conclusion, I note that from cyclones are not only harmful, but also beneficial. So, to what we have were such a warm end of October and beginning of November, we owe it “Saint Jude.” This cyclone drove a warm air ahead front, which lingered over the European part of Russia. Rather total, and the new cyclone, which is now being formed near Iceland, will bring along similar weather. Therefore, until the end of November we have snow hardly lie down. “Well, as you see, the emergence of powerful cyclones like “St. Jude” and “Hayyan” – the phenomenon is quite natural. It not at all evidence that the Earth’s climate is irreversible spoiled. Rather, these cyclones indicate that everything is happening. as it should be. And also remind people that still until they know very little about how the weather is formed on our planet …
Arctic Water Time Iceland China Climate Russia