Damaged spine – it doesn’t matter!

Damaged spine - it doesn’t matter!Photos from open sources of

Millions of people left without a damaged spine legs “- with paralyzed lower limbs. And today they have there was a hope to regain the opportunity to walk.

Most recently, Swiss scientists invented a flexible implant – conductor of nerve impulses bypassing the idle due to injury spinal cord site. No, of course, such implants existed before, but they all did not have the necessary flexibility, i.e. the ability to shrink-stretch without violation of the required level of conduction of the nerve signal. After all The human spine is in constant mobility. Moreover, a person must support this mode if he wants to be healthy.

Swiss scientists have already tested their flexible rat implant. The results exceeded the wildest expectations. Limb mobility in animals with an implant was normal during all this a unique experiment, while the implant itself did not change and not damaged.

It’s still hard to imagine when trials of flexible implant in humans and even more so when it becomes available in almost every hospital. However, Swiss scientists say that their new product will quickly break its way, as it may be also used in the treatment of epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, chronic pain and many other nervous ailments.

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