Dandelion is much healthier than other greens, which we consume

Dandelion is much healthier than other greens that we eat.A photo from open sources About the benefits of greens on the table today no one doesn’t argue. But … many people care about another problem: how Is this greenery grown? This, of course, only worries the townspeople, who buy such greens in the bazaar or in the grocery store, and do not grow it yourself in the beds. That’s why some urban residents even begin to arrange mini-greenhouses in their apartment, in order to have their own, environmentally friendly greens all year round.

But you can just as well use weeds as greens, the same ubiquitous common dandelion, adding it to salads. By the way, dandelion can be found in the green zone, even in the a large metropolis, say, in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Moreover, in nobody brings any chemicals to him – he’s absolutely harmless to food. Of course, it’s best to collect this greens in forest, away from highways.

Dandelion – the best way to restore and maintain the work of the liver, kidneys, genitourinary system, blood vessels and etc. It has a lot of calcium, iron, various mineral substances that our body needs, it is rich in vitamin B. Without saying already that this plant is based on the content of vegetable protein surpasses even the famous spinach.

True, dandelion tastes bitter, so you just need it add to salads or, squeezing juice from it, mix it with others juices, say, lemon, beetroot and so on. But still better just consume dandelion in the form of greens, mixing with leaves celery, spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes and other generous gifts summers.

By the way, in the dandelion you can eat both leaves and yellow inflorescences, however, it is desirable to pluck the freshest and youngest plants. Currently, for residents of Russia, for example, the most fertile time in terms of the use of dandelion. Not miss this opportunity, that is, without any special effort and material costs to treat your body (and first of all – liver) and season it with the necessary minerals and vitamins.

Plants Russia

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