Photos from open Sources Idaho’s residents suddenly fell upon the sky is a thousand dead geese. The sight is just creepy and mystical, not to mention that such a “rain” is also unsafe for life people.
This was due to the fact that wild geese were infected by a bird cholera and died right on the fly – during the annual migration to northern shores of Aliska. To the staff of fishing and hunting farms, as well as dozens of Idaho volunteers had to collect this “heavenly harvest” and burn dead birds.
After laboratory tests, biologists confirmed the hunch hunters – the cause of the death of geese was actually a bird cholera, which is rampant in parts of the United States. Scientists only notice: despite the fact that the Idaho services have done everything possible, so that the epidemic does not spread, at the site of the death of birds eagles have been seen that can themselves become infected and spread epidemic on.
In fact, we know little about birds, for example, that birds can predict the storm in a few days.
Birds Epidemics