Photos from open sources This happened in Utah, United States of America. By unknown reason car with a woman and one and a half year old baby fell into the river and drowned.
After the accident was finally noticed by local fishermen, reported to the police, and a team arrived at the scene salvation, more than fourteen hours have passed. Naturally, none of police did not even suggest that one of the victims could to be still alive.
What was their surprise when they clearly heard from the water cry for help. As it turned out, the car was still alive little girl who was fastened with a seat belt security and was literally upside down. Her a twenty-five mother was already dead, but police officers claim that it was her voice about help that they heard, thanks to which even rushed to get to the drowned car. According to the officer Jared Warner, if he alone heard a cry for help, this could be attributed to a hallucination of a person, fatigue and so further, but all four rescuers heard him.
Almost everything was supernatural in this story. Firstly, it was not clear why the car fell into the river (there wasn’t traces of braking), the car turned out to be serviceable (now it study more thoroughly for the cause of the accident). Secondly, the woman behind the wheel was sober and did not take drugs. Thirdly, although the car fell into the water, but for some happy chance stuck in shallow water. Fourth (and this is the most amazing), like in water, and even cold, he could survive one and a half year old baby for fourteen hours? Well finally, the cry for help from the water itself is also nonsense!
But miracles still occur, although they may not be so striking. Baby Lucy didn’t get a scratch and really fast recovered from what happened. And feels, according to her grandmother, Just great.