Deadly danger to humanity – the ancients viruses

A photo from open sources

Time after time, films in which the ancient thawing frozen monsters come to life and become deadly danger to humanity. Fantasy? Many scientists don’t consider.

Mammoths will rise again!

Mosquitoes, butterflies, caterpillars and others that came to life after freezing insects in the scientific community no longer surprise anyone. Back in the 50s revived newts lying in the Pamir glaciers for 5,000 years. IN Yakutia in the course of exploration in permafrost found and more ancient small reptiles, some of which came to life at defrosting. True, the lifespan of these “resurrected fossils” counted for hours. But science is moving forward, so if soon future in permafrost will find another mammoth, the question of creating for him a personal aviary in the Moscow zoo can become quite relevant.

At the same time, many scientists are already talking in a voice about the terrible dangers that humanity may soon face the future. The reason for concern will not be walking around the streets resurrected dinosaurs, and small invisible to a simple eye microorganisms – bacteria and viruses whose striking Resilience has long been known to scientists.

Undying Viruses

In Los Angeles, a famous collector of antiques fell ill unknown form of flu. The causative agent of the disease was a virus, “dozing” in an old bed of the era of Louis XIII (1601-1643), which a lover of antique furniture recently acquired.

British microbiologist P. Snis conducted research in Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Garden. The object of study was Herbariums that fell into the collection more than 200 years ago. In lumps soil adhering to the roots of individual specimens, he discovered quite viable spores of germs.

Species of bacteria previously found in Alaska in glaciers after 32,000 years of hibernation, Canadian scientists revived bacteria 360 million years old. In samples of petrified salt mined scientists in the Irkutsk region found completely viable bacteria, who lived more than 500 million years ago.

But the true danger, according to scientists, is Antarctica. This is truly the Pandora’s Box.

Antarctica – a powder keg for humanity

In 1999, scientists discovered on the ice continent viruses against which neither humans nor animals have immunity. The message went almost unnoticed. But it’s scary to think what happens if these “killers” break free. Humanity a wave of epidemics will overflow, chaos will come, before which it will fade the most terrible pictures of the apocalypse created by Hollywood.

So far, all work on the study of long-lived bacteria is under the most severe control in the walls of laboratories of scientific institutes. On the take literally every virus. But global warming threatens start the process of resurrection of millions of years that have lain in glaciers Antarctica viruses and outside the walls of laboratories.

And then the disaster can no longer be stopped.

Antarctica Mammoth Viruses

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