Defeating cancer is not easy, even with the virus

Defeating cancer isn’t easy, even with a virus.A photo from open sources

Today, hundreds of academic institutions are working to create a cure for cancer, to contrast at least one of the most dangerous and widespread diseases of our century. On the the pages of the medical journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences a rather interesting article appeared not so long ago, which largely reveals the complexity of this task.

This is not the first year that scientists have been looking for viruses that could selectively destroy cancer cells. And like that unique helper found. This is the Seneca Valley virus, which in mainly affects cows, pigs and some other animals. For human – relatively safe.

Experiments have shown that Seneca Valley is just a godsend with cancer cells since this virus is of the genus Senecavirus selectively attacks them, without touching the healthy ones. All this not only experiments, but also clinical trials have clearly demonstrated on sick people: with lung carcinoma in an adult and cancer recurrence in a child. It would seem that victory has been achieved. But not there it was …

The human immune system soon begins to fight the virus Seneca Valley, destroying it in just three weeks, thereby not allowing him to completely cope with the cancer, especially if the patient suffers from cancer of the second and subsequent stages.

Scientists at the University of Otago New Zealand currently want understand the mechanism of the human immune system in order to “turn off” out of it, the fight with Seneca Valley, for example, make it “invisible” for immunity. And although it seems the easiest way to allow the virus completely cope with cancer cells, other Researchers Warn New Zealanders What Intervention Is can make Seneca Valley dangerous to humans, which ultimately account, cross out all his “virtues” in the fight against malignant tumor.

Why can’t doctors beat cancer?

We examined only one example of research activity. scientists in the fight against cancerous tumors, and there may be dozens of them, otherwise and hundreds. Why are doctors in no way able to cope with this a disease, although on the Internet you can find easy and effective ways to combat this “plague” of the XXI century, say, with the help of soda or vodka and vegetable oil? Moreover, the authors of these publications claim that thanks to the above funds cured tens of thousands of people, while formal science is not only not recognizes these discoveries, but also arranges persecution of such discoverers for example at the Italian physician Gennaro Sangermano, who applies in his practice to fight cancer baking soda. All other discoveries in oncology, as claimed conspiracy theorists are simply silent or destroyed because the world elite is completely unprofitable.

But is it? Independent researchers of Russia last year conducted their investigation by interviewing relatives from whom loved ones died of cancer. As it turned out, many of them drank soda, and vegetable oil with vodka according to the Shevchenko system – did not help. Moreover, you should not think that the patients caught up too late, some of them have been drinking soda for decades, fearing hereditary cancer, but this did not save them from this terrible disease. How not to remember here actor Savely Kramarov (photo below), who was a fanatic a raw food diet and a healthy lifestyle (he died of cancer at age 60), because that raw foodists also assure us that they are not threatened with cancer …

A photo from open sources

It turns out that in this life there is nothing unequivocal, especially if approach her with purely materialistic views, they say, here I’ll start eating right, running, walrus, drinking soda – and no I’m not afraid of infection, and I’ll live as long as I wish. Recall: the father of the wellness system jogging James Fix (photo a little higher) died at 52 from a heart attack – just in daily run time …

So, maybe doctors just can’t beat cancer, they just can’t because, like raw foodists, like “lovers of soda”, purely materialistically approach this problem, and she, as say spiritual people, lies in a completely different plane – in divine. And cancer in this case is just one way the return of man to the Original Source, the return that we call death and which cancel, you know, somehow miraculous medicine is simply impossible. And therefore rare cases when people were miraculously (exactly miraculously) cured from cancer are always associated with some spiritual exploits with their side. And not otherwise …

Viruses Time Life Oncology Russia

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