“Demonic Girl” captured on netherlands beach

A photo from open sources

A photographer who wishes to remain anonymous claims that captured a “demonic girl” on one of the beaches of the Netherlands the city of Zandvoort.

This happened on July 22 last year, but the mysterious snapshot of a man only now interested researchers paranormal. Why – no one knows, but in this case, they say experts, the same is a fraction of mysticism – and no accidents …

Image shows a certain teenage girl standing in water near the shore. At first glance, she’s okay, nothing special in this picture is not observed. However, if you increase frame, you may be surprised to see that the face of the resting person is distorted and recalls the grimace of a devil-obsessed schoolgirl Regan McNeill from the iconic horror movie “Exorcist”, released movie theaters in 1973 and still considered one of the best horror.

According to the author of the picture, the alleged devilry hit the lens of his camera quite by accident, and our hero I noticed her only a few days later, when I looked at the received during vacation photos. The man showed his find to his wife, and she confirmed that the girl looks very unnatural and very frighteningly – already goosebumps …

Many Internet users agreed with the woman, because the picture is really scary. As for the skeptics in The World Wide Web, then, in their opinion, the whole fault is a malfunction camera or poor frame quality. Say, any person will become like a demon if you cut his face from some photo, where he stands away from the camera, and enlarge by several time.

Do you think that in our life there are too many mysteries? But since our materialistic mind is not ready for this, it’s easy finds the simplest explanations exclusively for everything. As explained psychologists, this is a defensive reaction of the brain, otherwise it’s just “smoke” from overvoltage, after which a person is often is in a psychiatric hospital …

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