Devil’s Lakes

Red Lagoon located in the Chilean city of Camina, on 3700 meters above sea level, is called one of the most mysterious places on the globe. The fact is that the water in the lake red as blood. The mystery of extinction is associated with this pond. tribes of Aymara Indians who once inhabited these lands, and the local население считает его проклятым… A photo из открытыхsources of

Until 2009, even the tourist did not know about the mysterious lake. company. This is because the locals tried to bypass the Red Lagoon, and since time immemorial it even not applied to cards. The pond is cursed, and approach it deadly! – say superstitious Chileans.

A photo from open sources

It is said that once Indians living on the shores of the lake Aimara tribes drank from its waters. As a result, thousands of natives they perished somewhere unknown. Near the Red Lagoon there are two more reservoir, but the water in them is already yellow-green. They say that when on Bad people appear on the shore, water in the lakes begins to bubble … And locals are convinced that all three lakes with “colored” water belong to the devil himself.

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In the Bible there is a description of the “ten executions of Egypt” that have claimed many lives. According to biblical tradition, God, wanting to punish Pharaoh for not letting the Jews go Egypt, ordered Moses to hit the Nile with a rod. From this water to the river turned red as blood and began to emit a stench. Fish and other animals living in the Nile perished, and on land they bred Locusts, mosquitoes and other insects. This was followed by an epidemic pestilence and mortality of cattle. Then a large hail went from heaven and three days all the earth plunged into pitch darkness. And in the families of the Egyptians children began to die … American researchers believe that speech we are talking about an environmental disaster that occurred in the 12th century BC era, during the reign of Ramses II and his son Merenfatah. The cause of all the disasters, in their opinion, was the microorganism Piesteria Pisicida, at certain periods of its development, environmental toxic substance that stains water red color and its poison. From the point of view of scientists, a malicious microbe unbalanced the Nile ecosystem. Frogs in the water fleeing the poison, began to get out to land, where they died from droughts or were exterminated by the Egyptians. The death of frogs eating midges, has led to an increase in populations of mosquitoes and other insects, in including pathogens of African encephalitis in horses and sheep. This caused pestilence … So the “Egyptian executions” have nothing to do with it! The Red Lagoon is not the only “damned” pond in the world. So in the Cordillera Azur mountains have a cold lake, Gaipo, in the area of ​​which often observe mysterious objects of various forms – in in the form of balls, ovals, rectangles, rings. They are in front of local inhabitants either enter the water column or hang over the surface of the lake, and then disappear into the sky … Indians on the shores of Gaipo tribe Quechua is not at all inclined to associate such phenomena with visits alien aliens. No, they sure are witches and magicians take the form of a UFO, going hunting for people! They say that one Indian near a lake was once struck by a ray of a luminous object. The Indian could not budge until the UFO melted in the air. IN another time an old woman collecting brushwood noticed over a lake a disk of fire, and suddenly felt the heat emanating from him. However the worst thing is not the appearance of a UFO at all. According to rumors, several man on the lake killed by lightning! And of course, the natives explain it witchcraft! Lake John D. Long is also considered “enchanted.” Caroline). So, in October 1994, a young woman named Susan Smith was accused of killing her two young sons. Susan left Michael and Alex in the backseat of her car, fastening them with belts, and she left about her business. The car fell into the water of the lake, and both boys drowned. Susan sentenced to life imprisonment, although in court she tried prove that the car was on the brake and could roll down unless that as a result of someone’s malicious intent … The locals were so shocked by the tragedy that erected monuments to the dead on the pier to children. But two years later, the nightmare repeated. Car in which there were seven people – three adults and four children – all of a sudden spontaneously jumped off, rolled between the monuments to Michael and Alex Smith and crashed into the lake … All passengers drowned, and standing ashore a man who jumped into the water to save them, too choked to death. Well, how can one not believe in the machinations of the devil?

Water Egypt Insects

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