Antisa Khvichava, who has lived all her life in the Georgian village of Sachino, passed away at the age of 132 Photos from open sources In Georgia, the oldest died a resident of the planet – 132-year-old Antisa Khvichava, reports “Georgia online. “According to ID, Khvichava was born on The territory of the Russian Empire on July 8, 1880. Georgian authorities asked the Guinness Book of Records experts to verify this information; the check showed the correctness of the official data – it appears in the papers, that she really was born during the reign of Alexander II. All her life Antisa Khvichava lived in the village of Sachino in Western Georgia, worked at a state farm and at a tea plantation, retired only in 85 years old. In 2010, Khvichava noted among relatives and friends 130th anniversary. According to the media, the centenarian loved playing backgammon. and until the last day kept pep, clarity of thought and sobriety of the mind. Those who knew her say that until she was old, she didn’t hurt anything, and on holidays did not deny herself a glass strong alcohol. “She has been very progressive all her life by man. Shortly before her death, Antisa asked her great-great-grandchildren to teach her work on the computer “, – quoted representative Administration of the Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti region. In addition, Georgian was one of the oldest mothers: she gave birth to a third child at 60 years. Antisa Khvichava has 10 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren and six great-great-grandchildren
A life