Divers discovered something strange

Divers have discovered something strange.A photo from open sources

It happened off the coast of Turkey at a depth of just over twenty meters. Divers filming the underwater world in this place, all of a sudden stumbled upon something strange.

This fantastic object turned out to be huge (approximately with a large car) translucent spherical mass, soft on touch. The find was called a “gelatin drop”, and although the droplet turned out not small, on the scale of sea vastness she is quite consistent with her name.

Michael Vecchione – Scientist Biologist at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural stories made the assumption that this huge bubble could be laying eggs of red squid – Ommastrephes bartramii, aka neon or flying squid.

By the way, such squids are huge, quite recently, Russian fishermen barely fought off with a hook from a similar “squid” who did not want to part with a big a fish already caught in the net and almost pulled onto a trailer. Squid fought for its prey to the last, especially since fishermen in this “battle for the fish” they tried not to harm him.

Such surprises of the deep sea are not so rare in fishing. fishing. For example, in the spring of this year in the network of Peruvian fishermen caught a giant ramp – a kind of sea devil with their fins are eight meters wide, and British fishermen from Plymouth recently caught so much coal that it wasn’t immediately understood what it is. Imagine this snake-like monster was six meters long and pulled seventy kilograms weight.

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