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Who does not know today that water has the ability to remember information? Many scientific articles and books have been written about this. interesting movies. What about baptismal water? It may not go bad for years and at the same time has healing properties.
Water magic
This phenomenon can be explained as follows: water is a kind of “magnetic film” that records itself the entire amount of information with which it is in contact.
Healers speak up to water – and it heals a person. Above water evil sorcerers and witches read their plots and then poured her at the threshold of the victim …
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Every housewife knows that a bad mood will not allow her make a good dish. But if in the kitchen witchcraft with love and joy, you get a real masterpiece.
In the human body is up to 70-80 percent of water. Remember how bad it is when we are scolded, shouted? And praise, they say a compliment – and we will bloom immediately.
The ability of water to remember has long been used in medical practice. Today homeopathy has become officially recognized and highly effective method of treatment. How to cook homeopathic remedies? The medicine is dissolved in water in such negligible concentration, which per 10 liters of liquid is only several of its molecules.
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Famous Japanese water explorer Masaru Emoto during numerous experiments clearly demonstrated the ability of this unique liquid to absorb, record, store, and also convey emotions, human thoughts. As it turned out, the shape of the ice crystals formed when water freezes affects not only its purity, but also what kind of music sounds above water, which images show her what words are spoken and in general, they think people about her or not.
We work with water
Is it possible to somehow clear water of negative information and instead write positive so that the water becomes healing?
A photo from open sources
This method really is. We put a glass of ordinary water on the left palm, while the right hand cover it. Using power of our mind, we begin to transfer energy from the hands of water, while We say aloud or silently the following statements:
– I run a powerful program that neutralizes everything harmful chemical impurities and salts in this water heavy metals;
– all the salts and trace elements necessary for me remain in water
– all bacteria, pathogens, protozoa and other parasites present in this water are neutralized;
– I program water in a glass to cleanse my body of toxins, toxins, parasites and pathogenic bacteria.
After that we convey the emotions of gratitude to the purified water and love and ask her to give us energy and health, to restore every cell of the body.
Then turn on the imagination and start recording on the water information that is most appropriate for us, for example, “I Now I program this water to quickly restore my knee joint or tooth restoration, and so on.
Or you can just turn to water like this, say: “I love and thank you, “putting all my sincerity into these words and appreciation. And then – drink on health!
A photo from open sources
Drink more water
Two glasses of magic water, drunk after waking up, activate your internal organs. One glass half an hour before meals improve digestion. Also used before taking a bath water will lower blood pressure, and drunk before bedtime – will certainly allow you to avoid a heart attack, stroke, night leg cramps. Just drink good water, charged with your kind thoughts and love. And never sit down drink water (tea, coffee and so on) with a bad and evil person …
Water Health