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Probably even the most unenlightened person understands today, what to wash with store powders is to kill yourself slowly chemistry. First of all, such detergents themselves are terrible – they should not even be stored in the house. Secondly you never Rinse this chemistry out of the laundry completely. Then dress the poisoned clothes, lie in poisoned bedding, wipe the skin poisoned towels and so on.
Getting ready for washing
To make it easier to wash the laundry, it does not need to be stolen. This time. Secondly, it is better to use soft water for washing. Verify water for softness is very simple: put in boiling water soap, if it dissolves quickly and without sediment – the water is soft if no – tough. But hard can be softened with soda: just add two to three tablespoons of powder per machine dressing washing.
If you want your laundry to be perfectly clean after washing – it must first be soaked: white is soaked at night, color – for two to three hours.
When switching to environmental washing, you must first remove from your laundry residual chemistry of commercial detergents. For of this, stretch all the laundry gradually in a clean, most possible hot for a particular fabric, water, adding to each machine a load of fifty grams of soda.
We use natural detergents
The most simple, familiar and natural detergents were and remain – soda and laundry soap. Per ten liters of water (we take into account that washing machines are different in volume) use fifty grams of soap (grater) and three tablespoons of soda. Do not worry, this composition removes the laundry. no worse than the “coolest” commercial powder, while in linen not there will be no chemistry. Just remember that linen and cotton fabrics like soda (especially great washed in soda solution with the most hot water), and all other fabrics, especially artificial ones, don’t accept soda, becoming hard and brittle from her. For their washing, it is better not to soda add.
Fine ecological silk detergent, artificial and woolen fabrics – mustard, calculated at fifty grams per dressing of the washing machine. In this case, the laundry does not it only cleans well, but also smells – amazing freshness. Just fill the mustard directly in the linen, not in the ditch machine, and the washing temperature should not exceed forty degrees.
If chestnuts (horse) grow in your city, then by all means collect and dry them. Then the chestnuts need to be peeled (it paints linen) and grind in a coffee grinder or mill. Practically it ready-made washing powder for any laundry. Chestnut cost powder must be selected experimentally – depending on hardness of your water.
You can, of course, just buy environmentally friendly products for washing, a lot of them are offered nowadays – in the form of soap nuts, natural mixtures and powders. But it’s more expensive and that’s it. equally less reliable in terms of possible commercial fraud – after all What kind of society do we live in?
Bleach linen
We take two containers and pour in them seven liters of boiling water. IN one dissolves ten grams of laundry soap, the other – three to four crystals of potassium permanganate. Then we mix everything and put in this solution for the night underwear – how much will fit. It takes more – we increase the solution and ingredients two, three times – how much necessary. In the morning we rinse the laundry – and that’s it!
It is possible to bleach in the car, having created for this purpose a special oil solution – per thirty liters of water 100 grams refined vegetable oil. It all scrolls in “automatic” – at temperatures up to forty degrees Celsius, then rinses well.
Another way. In this case, create such a solution: ten liters of water two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and one – ammonia.
Water Health