Do not pick up other people’s things from the earth

Do not pick up other people's things from the earthPhotos from open sources of

Every person will probably be tempted to pick up money lost by someone, or even a wallet with bills, decoration, especially valuable, although sometimes other things can be seen on earth, let’s say a mirror, keys, a comb and so on.

Specialists in household magic, which include, for example, Tatyana Govorova, strongly advise against picking anything up especially drag it into your home. Here is a case that describes Tatyana:

Moskvich Alexei Kopylov once found on a country road (traveling to the country) mask, cut out on the board. What is she to him I liked it, it’s not clear, but he brought it to the country and hung it on the wall. And from that moment, one thing began to happen in his life misfortune after another, from domestic injuries to disease loved ones. Finally, for no apparent reason, epilepsy began in beloved dog. And only when Alex understood the cause of these misfortunes and threw the mask out of the house, a black streak in his family’s life right there has stopped. True, the dog could not be saved. And I must say, this it’s good that she ended up in their house: pets, like as a rule, the bulk of the negative energy is taken over, most saving the owners.

Any thing on the road or in the porch (even more dangerous the front door of your house) can carry charged sorcerers negative energy to destroy a person. Most often for such objects are discharged by the negative energy of the patient, who turned to the magician for help. The black magician is wonderful understands that he conveys all the diseases and problems of his patient the one who picks up this thing, but in the world of magic there is no concept of good and evil, these are all worldly “wisdom”.

A photo from open sources

Most often, money and jewelry are thrown to a person, since few can pass by them dispassionately (come on in, no need from fleeting weaknesses to shoulder a whole cart of problems, diseases, and even mortal danger). Particularly dangerous are watches, mirrors, crosses and keys. Of course, there may be other items, take at least a wooden mask, which Tatyana Govorova talked about, that is, spoken of in misfortune or simply causing trouble to you could be anything. For example, raising the pectoral cross, you just share your karmic fate with the one who carried it before you. At he doesn’t take your problems upon himself.

Pay attention, experts in household magic specify what the more you are drawn to pick up and take with you some object, the it is more dangerous for you. Therefore, the best way to combat this evil is inspire yourself once and for all: never pick anything up with land!

Money Dog Life

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