Do you consider yourself smart? Then find out what about Canadian scientists say this

Do you consider yourself smart? Then find out what Canadian scientists say about this.A photo from open sources

University of Western Ontario Canadian researchers wondered question: what is the main character trait inherent in all smart people? Since almost everyone thinks he is smart, the selection of volunteers for this test experiment was by definition IQ, which should have been significantly higher than the average.

As a result, a team of 500 people of different sexes was selected and ages that have passed over time various tests so that scientists can evaluate not only them ability, but also to catch the main character traits of smart person.

A photo from open sources

As a result, Canadian researchers determined that such the dominant feature of all smart women is curiosity, and it so prevails over everything else that thanks to this smart people are constantly learning, periodically setting new goals for themselves, and study again. And so until old age, why practically never in old age lose mental abilities.

The second equally important character trait of smart people is openness. They are usually good-natured, not afraid to look funny and, just as importantly, never put money, a career and other material goods of our world are higher than friendship, love, opportunities to constantly learn something.

A photo from open sources

So if you consider yourself also a smart person, look in imagine these character traits. In conclusion, we add almost the main thing: Canadian scientists have also discovered that thanks to curiosity, openness and goodwill, IQ only increases over time. And vice versa, if a person has had extraordinary abilities, having lost curiosity and openness, he over the years begins to degrade, that is, to get stupid …


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