Do you want to determine whether you are lucky or not?

Want to tell if you're lucky or not?Photos from open sources Without even trying to become a palmist, you can in this area to know something, for example, to see the most important thing – do you have line of the guardian angel.

The fact is that not every person has a line on his hand, indicating special protection from the Higher Forces. But those whoever has it is real luck. Misfortunes go around such people by the side, they remain unharmed even in the most dangerous and extreme situations, and they don’t need doctors.

In palmistry, this line is called the line of Mars, and sometimes sister line. For people under such reliable protection, It is located near the line of life, and, probably, for a reason. After all, many people from birth to death are invisible forces protect and save from various troubles and even disasters with fantastic constancy. It is about these that they say that they are in shirt born.

A photo from open sources

By the way this line intersects the palm, one can judge about the degree of protection of a person. If the line of Mars is located parallel to the line of life and not shorter than it, the guardian angel will take care of a person all his life, and if the line-sisters are inferior in the length of the life-line, then be under the wing of an invisible defender a person will be only at a certain period of his life.

And finally, it even matters on which hand a person has the line of Mars is located. For example, if on the right – he gets protection from the Higher forces only thanks to their personal merits, rather everything from past lives. And if on the left – then this is a generic protection, however, personal merit does not diminish in any way, since without it nobody will ever give you such a unique patronage.

Angels Life Mars

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