Doctors will soon be diagnosed by Photo

A photo from open sources

It is no secret that the disease leaves its mark on the external human appearance. An experienced doctor already in the guise of a person who has come to him the patient determines what he will now begin to complain. Oxford scientists Christopher Nileyker and Andrew Zassman wondered the question is, is it possible for this diagnostic method “by eye” to bring a scientific base? It turned out you can.

The essence of scientific work

The group, led by Nileiker and Sassman, gathered, studied and systematized more than 1300 pictures of people suffering from the most a variety of diseases. More than 30 signs were highlighted, unequivocally indicating the presence of a person’s malaise. The shape of the eyebrows, nose, eyes and facial expression were taken into account. Based the data collected a program was developed allowing a significant degree of probability of diagnosing the disease.


The work of English scientists will not only greatly facilitate the work doctors and reduce the likelihood of medical error. Will be a thing of the past queues in clinics. It will be enough to send by e-mail mail your photo and in a few seconds you will receive an answer with a list of your ailments plus tips and recommendations. Or an urgent letter will come in coming days to arrive at the medical center for serious survey.

the main task

The group is primarily aimed at identifying congenital diseases that every 17th inhabitant of the planet suffers today. Researchers found that 30 to 40% of rare hereditary diseases cause changes in the shape of the skull and face shapes, almost invisible to others. It happens in early childhood, when the disease is still “sleeping.” For doctors, it’s just crucial to put diagnosis at a very early stage, even before the disease is in full a voice declared itself, and in the ideal case, completely before her manifestations. This is precisely what the group is aiming for.

Real results

Scientists already with a 93% probability determine predisposition to caused by genetic malfunctions of Down syndrome, Angelman syndrome, progeria and others. Initially, a list of identifiable diseases limited to less than a dozen, later on the list included more 90 diseases. Work continues. In the future, expanding the list up to 120.

Look into the future

In the future, preliminary diagnostics for predisposition to disease will become a familiar procedure like vaccination. Everyone from early childhood will have individual card listing the diseases he should follow fear. So far, a conclusion written on the results issued program, begins with the words “maybe” and “probably.” But even the longest road starts with one step.

Posted by: Klim Podkova

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