Does beauty require sacrifice or effort?

Beauty requires sacrifice or effort?Photos from open sources of

It is enough to recall the terrible case of two years ago, when a strange epidemic of facial skin disease swept around the world, and only women suffered from it. As it turned out during investigation of the causes of the epidemic, all victims used Japanese cream for smoothing facial wrinkles. A “miraculous cream” they all purchased through the Internet.

One of the main components of this cream was mustard gas – deadly chemical weapon substance. Yes, mustard gas “smoothed” facial wrinkles for a while, but after eight hours, the skin was covered with ulcers, which, after prolonged treatment, left deep scars on face – for life.

Surprisingly, today almost all modern cosmetics – to one degree or another, chemical weapons against person. The most amazing thing is that the tycoons-manufacturers of this poison earn billions of dollars, virtually destroying humanity. All this muck is presented through advertising, as better and more useful remedies, say, from tooth decay, from wrinkles on the face, for fast hair growth, lush hairstyles and so on.

A photo from open sources

A modern person pours on his head about three in a year liters of killer shampoo for his body, eats several a tube of poisonous toothpaste, puts one hundred and fifty on his lips grams of lipstick that hits the kidneys and liver, spreads up to two kilograms of various poisonous creams on the body, deodorants and shaving foams. And the list goes on until infinity.

Modern cosmetology is no less an octopus killer than pharmacology. These monsters are practically no different: both promise youth and health, and both are fantastic earn on taking it from a person.

In the new documentary project “Beauty requires sacrifice” the whole truth about modern cosmetology is revealed, are given numerous examples proving that good health, beauty and youth are not preserved with the help of modern cosmetic means comparable to chemical weapons, and a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and, most importantly, proper thinking. Well, choose you and only you …

Life Health Epidemics

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