Does sugar heal wounds?

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Sugar, as it turns out, removes fluid from the wound and does not bacteria that need water to multiply. As a result, pathogens are dying. Clinical trials show promise approach. In particular, one patient – 62-year-old Alan Bayliss – survived partial amputation of the right leg and vein removal on the left leg. It was the operation on the left leg that led to the formation of serious a wound that could not heal. It was decided to speed up healing with sugar. They put a bandage on his leg. The wound was so deep that almost the whole jar left for the first dressing Sahara. But after two weeks, doctors already used only 4-5 teaspoons. Control studies are now half completed at three West Midlands hospitals. At the moment, sugar therapy successfully tested 35 people. Doctors say: treatment positively affected not only the physical, but also the emotional condition of patients. Black doctor turned out to be an innovative doctor Moses Murandu, who was originally from Zimbabwe. FROM childhood, he watched his grandfather, a healer, successfully use sugar for the treatment of wounds. Muranda, who is the head of the department Nursing Care at Wolverhampton University, very pleased positive clinical trials of the sugar method and says that his wards are also very enthusiastic. According to the materials and

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