A photo from open sources Today, a scientist needs to have a large the courage to make such statements. Oceanographic Institute at Woods Hole Ted Maxim held exploration of the underwater part of the Antarctic and Arctic sea ice and made a sensational statement: “Antarctic ice and The Arctic is not melting. ”
This contradicts the established position of the scientific community that that the ice of the polar regions of the planet is melting at an alarming rate, threatening biological diversity, but “fits” with the trend Antarctic ice growth this year. Ted Maxim’s colleague Dr. Benny Payser commented on the study as follows: “The ice of the Antarctic is expanding, denying the fallacies of the past 20 years, and showing all the unpredictability and complexity of the impact of global warming. This is a huge inconvenience for climate alarmists, predicted the imminent disappearance of polar ice. ”
Evolutionary biologist joins criticism of alarmists Victoria University of Canada Susan Crockford. She thinks that the situation with the polar bear population is not at all as bad as it is presented by proponents of the anthropogenic theory of global warming: “The polar bear population is much larger official estimates from 20,000 to 25,000, and can be from 27 000 to 32,000 individuals. ”
Antarctica Arctic Global Warming Bears