Doing 1000 sit-ups on an argument who hardy, sent the girls to the hospital

Performing 1000 squats on a dispute, who is hardy, sent the girls to the hospitalA photo from open sources

The advice we want to give you is well known in principle everyone: everything you do should be guided the rule of the golden (or reasonable) middle ground. No wonder that in Russia they said: make a fool pray – he will break his forehead too.

The story that happened recently in Chinese city of Chongqing. The two girls here decided Compete who can do more squats. how subsequently admitted to doctors Tang (one of the contestants), each of they performed at least a thousand squats.

The next day, both Chinese women had severe pain in their legs. Girls did not pay much attention to the pain, explaining it as excessive physical activity, however, it was, as they say, only Start…

A photo from open sources

On the third day, Tang noticed that she had stopped bending. knees, and urine turned the color of black tea. And only after that the girl went to the hospital. She was diagnosed with: rhabdomyolysis – death of muscle fibers due to overstrain. Given the condition is dangerous for the kidneys and can even lead to death. TO fortunately, in the case of Tang, everything went without serious consequences: the girl was saved by her youth and the fact that she managed to turn to doctors before the onset of irreversible processes.

Calling his rival girlfriend from the hospital, Tang is surprised found out that she was also hospitalized. So there is no a mere coincidence, but a completely normal human reaction body overload.

And so do not do too much squats (no more than a dozen at a time), even if everyone around speaks of the great benefits of these exercises. This is especially true of the elderly. How clear shows the described case, immoderate physical activity may just kill you! Like everything excessive in this life. For example, even the highest quality products can be poisoned food, if they, excuse me, overeat …

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