A photo from open sources
May 26 residents of the English village of Cerne Ebbas in Dorset reported the appearance on one of the local fields of the picture, abandoned, possibly by aliens.
Local law enforcement officers are currently investigating in order to prosecute alleged jokers, however until the efforts of the cops were crowned with success. A circle in the field arose in just one night, and if this is the work of man, then by applying drawing clearly engaged in a large number of craftsmen with special equipment. However, it’s not very likely that here one of the earthlings had a hand: too all this is done filigree, with fantastic accuracy (despite the night), speed (no one even did not notice this work of the night “artists”), what are capable of, how consider many and especially ufologists, only aliens.
The mysterious “alien masterpiece” is a kind of a rose of winds with eight rays. Experts suggest that this scheme may be directly related to the phases of the moon. If Assume that the center of the figure depicts the Earth, the months – the moon, and circles around the months – the Sun, then this art is really visually demonstrates Selena’s changing lighting sole the star of our planetary system.
Crop Circles – Messages to Earthlings from Other Worlds
Famous Russian parapsychologist and writer, author of such series esoteric books like Karma Diagnostics, Survival Experience, “Man of the Future,” Sergei Nikolaevich Lazarev believes that circles on not aliens leave the fields (by the way, indeed, nobody never notices UFOs before these mysterious ones appear crop drawings).
Having the ability to see the field structures of our universe, parapsychologist claims that it is built in the form of a honeycomb with many parallel worlds that are interconnected with each other. Therefore, our reality affects others. parallel worlds, by the way, are more developed that perceive humanity (excuse me) is like a cancerous tumor. But it is impossible delete – only change.
And crop circles are just a way to change us positive impact on a certain mass of people in order to harmonization of their field structures. That is, everyone who falls into the range of such a circle on the field, almost spiritually cleared, to one degree or another.
Why does cleansing go through crop circles? The point is, writes Sergey Nikolaevich, that other worlds cannot transmit to us openly no information (help is also information) – only on thin information field through the space-time point. It is the consequence (material cast) of such a breakthrough to us through this point we observe in the fields in the form of various figures – in depending on the content of this or that information.
We don’t have to understand the meaning of the drawings, and indeed we can’t do this, because this help is addressed not to the mind, but our subconscious, harmonizing it with a specific purpose. The thing is the fact that other worlds are very worried about us and try their best clear nait subconscious (field structure) – this is also in their interests, says the parapsychologist.
A photo from open sources
Such circles appear, adds Lazarev, over one or two minutes, that’s why no one can ever catch “artists”, especially to bring them to justice. However, damage to farmers in this case is compensated a hundred times harmonization of space in the area, which is favorable affects everyone living here. True it’s spiritual harmonization that has nothing to do with the physical prosperity …
Here is such an unusual look of a parapsychologist researcher on this a problem that neither scientists nor ufologists can still solve, and now it’s clear why. Anyone interested in this information in more detail – please read S.N. Lazarev’s second book series “Diagnostics of karma”.
It is incomprehensible another (and to this question Sergey Nikolaevich, to unfortunately does not answer) why crop circles most often are found in England? Is it really here that there are more problems with human cancer? Judging by what exactly England over the past centuries seeks to destroy the spiritual Russia (there is even a fresh example of another provocation against Russia – dealing with the Skripals), it is quite possible that these guesses not unfounded …
Moon Oncology Parallel Worlds Russia