Dream – and your dreams without fail come true!

Dream - and your dreams will certainly come true!A photo from open sources

This is the conclusion (or scientific discovery) came Israeli scientists at the University. Bar Ilana, who recently completed a large study of the human brain using the method micropolarization in its frontal lobes.

For information, this method (micropolarization) is based on impact on the human brain with a small direct current, due to which its functioning is changing. This allowed scientists to determine that it is the frontal lobes that are responsible for the implementation of future plans and at the same time, it is this part of the brain that we use during of dreams.

Scientists state that, since for dreams and their realization corresponds to the same part of our brain, then you can only advise: dream people as much as possible more often and more intense – and your dreams will certainly come true!

At the same time, scientists specify that most often dreams remain on level of manilism, that is, unproductive, just because man does not connect them with realization. He sort of separates one from another lack of faith. It is no accident that Christianity says: by faith and will be given to you.

It turns out that with unconditional faith a person can realize any, even the most fantastic of your dreams.


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