Drink coffee – improve heart function

Drink coffee - improve heart functionPhotos from open sources of

You can talk about unique folk remedies arbitrarily to maintain health, for example, talk about miracles the power of baking soda, which prevents even the development of cancer, and in no way not to affect the attention of the bulk of people (which is not yet sick cancer), but the question of the usefulness or harmfulness of drinking coffee is relevant for many decades.

There is still no indisputable conclusion whether coffee is harmful to health or, on the contrary, it has some positive effect (immediately make a reservation, we are not talking about coffee lovers, this is all one to discuss the usefulness of red wine for alcoholics). However, German scientists recently completed a full-scale experiment, during which found that drinking coffee (in moderation, of course) is good for human cardiovascular system.

Experts have found that people who avoid consuming this “harmful” drink, are in the zone of increased risk of heart diseases. In addition, coffee, as it turned out, is favorable affects diabetes, preventing it from flowing into more serious stage.

As confirmed by experiments on laboratory mice (and then on the group volunteers), caffeine strengthens the cells of the heart and blood vessels, warning them of damage. This is achieved due to the fact that caffeine stimulates more efficient regulatory movement protein in the mitochondria.

German scientists even determined how much to drink this flavored drink per day to maintain the main systems of the body human normal – optimally four small cups. Moreover, not to be specified, it is only about natural coffee or it’s suitable instant coffee drink. But you need to understand that the benefits of caffeine are determined, and not the drink itself, so in any tea or cocoa should also be useful in this regard, containing this important component of health as well as chocolate and so Further. However, the undisputed leader in caffeine content, of course, coffee remains …


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