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The benefits of clean water for health, youth and the inescapable energy of the soul and body has already been written a lot. But how to drink this very water – almost nothing. Everything seems simple – drink more water, and you will forever be like a cucumber. But … you, for example, tried drink at least a liter of clean water per day? And it needs to be consumed, at least one and a half liters per day.
This is not so easy to do, as we are used to replace clean water with all kinds of drinks, starting in the morning cups of coffee and ending with an evening glass of beer. However such “substitutes” are more harmful to our health than beneficial. So, how to accustom yourself daily to drink clean water in sufficient quantity, and with pleasure and without any forgetting and excuses?
Snap water to specific events
Woke up – a glass of water, came to work – the second, gathered dine – the third and so on. You will see a drink of pure moisture will soon become a habit and will become enjoyable, although discipline on at first it’s just necessary.
Drink a little bit
As a rule, people talk like this: if you need to drink two liters a day, I will drink a liter at a time. Or by half a liter. Erroneous reasoning. Drink a little, but more often. By the way drinking a lot at once is harmful. Better – no more than 200 milliliters per one reception. And be sure to at least half an hour before meals or in an hour after.
Increase the amount of water used gradually
No need to immediately try to drink two liters a day. Gradualism in everything, as the wise said, leads to success. With water same…
Photo from open sources
Keep a jug of clean water always in sight
It may not be a jug, but, say, a bottle. But let her you will always have before your eyes. Although, let’s do the dishes, which you keep clean water will be elegant: it will help you perceive water as something beautiful. A good soul mood in any business is the key to success.
Think of hunger as thirst
Therefore, they wanted to eat – do not rush to the refrigerator. To start drink a glass of clean water. And the hunger will disappear, you see. Exactly so you can easily and easily lose weight and many sore.
And finally, the main advice: drink clean water for at least a month three – and you will be amazed at the positive changes that she commit in your body. You can add a habit to this. take a teaspoon of soda in the morning on an empty stomach with clean water – you get double body cleansing. After all, pure water in the first the queue cleans, washing everything that should not be out of our body to be. But since a person, as a rule, drinks it a little, then gradually slagging, the cells become dehydrated, dry out, and premature old age, like a whole bunch of all kinds of sores, – secured. Do not bring yourself to this, drink water, gentlemen …
Photo from open sources
Water Health