Drinking gold

Drinking GoldPhoto from open sources

Centuries ago, alchemists seriously claimed that powdered gold added to the drink, It can not only prolong youth to a person, but also restore youth deep old people. What is it – fraud or echoes of knowledge previous civilizations of the earth? Let’s try to figure it out. GOLD: TREATS OR CRAMPS? On the existence of gold plate heard many, however, few people know that in the distant past, a meal on gold was not at all the bragging of the rulers, but the real a vital necessity. So, for example, in the ancient world seriously believed that food served on a gold plate would never be poisoned because gold cannot be in contact with poisons and instantly blackens. In addition, ancient medical treatises claim that wearing gold on a body saves a person from mental anguish, timidity and heart problems. Entertaining but indeed the criminals of the nineties loved to wear gold chains and at the same time were not at all very shy or heartache for their deeds. To heal a sore throat or remove bad breath, village healers suggested hold a piece of gold in your mouth. And to young girls who want pierce your ears, recommended doing it exceptionally golden needle, because in this case the hole will never grow. To to relieve a squeamish child, he was advised to wear a gold chain. I must say that the author of the article tried to apply this grandfather’s way of calming little children in his life, It turned out to work! SCIENCE ON THE COURSE Paradoxically, but, As medical practice shows, most recipes are folk medicine really has a right to exist. Little of, similar recipes are confirmed by the most modern scientific data. Gold and related beliefs are no exception. Scientists It has long been proven that every person’s body is present gold. Moreover, despite its extremely low concentration, this metal is nevertheless physiologically extremely active. Therefore, increasing or decreasing its amount in the human body, can influence the processes occurring in the body. Even the legendary Paracelsus in his writings argued that “not a transformation metals in gold should be the goal of alchemy, and preparation medicine. “Obviously not daring to disobey his great predecessor, modern doctors widely use gold for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Via gold-containing drugs are regulated by the human immune system. A photo from open sources Doctors wear gold jewelry recommend to all people suffering from hypertension, diseases of the joints and spine, diseases of the heart and liver, and also to those who are often depressed. Given that in Russia a good half of the year is cloudy, slushy, wakeful weather, the advice of doctors to wear a gold chain around his neck is extremely relevant and useful. SIP OF GOLD However, the most amazing gold a phenomenon described by ancient healers and confirmed modern scientists, is the so-called drinking gold. how no matter how fantastic it sounds, they really drank gold! The case where the French king is documented Doctors ordered Louis XI to drink gold. This is evidenced by preserved account to which the king’s treatment of 96 gold thalers were consumed by paduch. That it was not an isolated case that this practice was widely used in Middle Ages, evidence published in France in 1583 year the work of the alchemist and court physician David de Plani-Campi under heading: “Treatise on the true, unsurpassed, great and universal medicine of the ancients, or about drinking gold, an incomparable treasury of inexhaustible wealth. “However, this far from the first book on drinking gold. About him mentioned in ancient Chinese manuscripts dated I century before n e., and the Chinese called drinking gold none other than “elixir of life”, giving health, youth and strength. Ice cream with золотом Фото изopen sources amazing what about cooking in antiquity various drinks under the general name “drinking gold” today practically do not write, but since the first years of our era it’s a hobby was extremely popular. Wealthy and noble people of both sexes on drinkable gold for centuries hoping to stay forever young. Noteworthy is the case published in one of issues of the English medical journal. The article talked about the results of the analysis of the remains of the famous French lovers the classics of Diana de Poitiers, who was the king’s mistress during her lifetime France Henry II. In the woman’s hair, scientists have found increased gold content. However, given the fact that Diana never was a queen, and therefore did not wear a golden crown, data expertise could only be explained by active use drinking gold. But gold is not a bar of chocolate, it cannot be dissolve in boiling water and drink. How are wealthy people of the past did you use this literally precious drink? For preparing drinking gold used fairly simple recipe. A certain amount of pure gold, usually about 5 g, placed in a ceramic or glass dish filled with 200 ml water, and boiled until the water boils exactly half. Then they drank this water one teaspoon three times a day – not more! However, this is not the only way to cook drinking gold. Some eminent patients of the Middle Ages for strengthening immunity chewed small thin gold plates, and the inhabitants of Venice and did happen to sprinkle food with gold sawdust. Gold as a healing drug was so popular that as early as 1880 the american doctor L.T. Kelly, infusing colloidal a solution of gold to his patients in the veins, tried (though unsuccessfully) even treat alcoholism! GOLD RUNS THROUGH THE VEINS all this looked fantastic, scientists confirm that gold trapped in the human body is really disinfects it, kills harmful microorganisms and pathogens microbes. That’s why drinking gold is easy indispensable during epidemics. In addition, as we have noted, golden water strengthens the nervous system, prevents and heals heart disease, and also significantly enhances immunity. First gold water was officially recognized as a medicine in treatises Ayurvedic medicine in 2000 BC e. In its framework, drinking gold is used as a powerful immunostimulant that improves mental activity that prolongs youth and is strong antidepressant. Scientifically Golden Water represents ordinary drinking water saturated with gold ions with a concentration of about 0.0005-0.001 mg / l. Despite the fact that today in free sale it’s enough just to find how to gold water, and devices for its independent production, traditional healers prefer to receive it with the help of boiling thin foil of high grade gold. Use Golden water is recommended in portions from 30 to 100 ml: for healthy people once a week, with weakened immunity – daily for 10 days, people suffering from chronic diseases – 2-3 courses ten days a year. If a person does not trust the chemical method receiving gold water, in the world there are natural sources, water which initially contains gold ions. Today most Au Le Cadeau mountain spring is famous – its water is bottled and is supplied to the global market by ABC Dispersing Technologies. It is believed that water from this source strengthens the body people, and also treats the most old diseases of the musculoskeletal system apparatus and metabolic disorders. Dmitriy LAVOCHKIN

Water Life Russia

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