Drunk monkey rushing at people with a knife became a star of the Internet

A drunk monkey throwing a knife at people has become a star on the Internet.A photo from open sources

In the Brazilian city of Patos in the east of the country occurred a curious case that nevertheless endangered the health of some locals. Sneaked into one of the bars capuchin, known to residents of the area under the nickname Chico.

At first, the primate behaved modestly and only begged from customers drinking establishments snacks. Then the monkey found a glass with a strong an alcoholic drink called kashasa, half-drunk by one of visitors, and drained it.

After this, the behavior of an under-trained animal has changed dramatically. Kapucin began to scream and pounce on people, and exclusively on men. The stronger sex some time laughed at inappropriate behavior monkeys, but soon they were no laughing matter. Chico got it in bar kitchen a large knife for cutting meat and began to chase after men with knives. Despite the raging the primate has a small stature, he so waved his cleaver that the institution had to call firefighters.

By the time rescuers arrived on call, a drunk monkey moved to the roof of the bar. One of the visitors took out a mobile phone and began to shoot a little troublemaker in the video. The following record shows how Chico first scratches with a knife shingles, then threatens some of the people with their weapons located nearby.

The video quickly scattered across social networks and video hosting sites, collecting a total of several million views and many thousands of comments. Many Internet users have found that the blame for this incident must be blamed on the irresponsible the staff of the drinking establishment that allowed capuchin not only get drunk, but also take possession of a knife in this state. It is possible that even such a small primate could, if desired, inflict on someone serious injuries.

However, most commentators agreed that nothing bad happened, and the situation can be without a twinge conscience laugh.

Emergency personnel reportedly safely caught the animal and drove it to the nearest veterinary clinic, acting as a detoxifier. After the doctors make sure that Chico is in perfect order, he will be sent to one of Brazilian nature reserves.


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