Dubai will appear on the streets police robots

Police robots will appear on the streets of DubaiPhoto from Open Source Ideas by Science Fiction Writers and Westerners science fiction screenwriters are rapidly embodying in life. In 1987, as you remember, Paul Verhoeven was released Robocop, which received an Oscar and was nominated for two more. Then the idea of ​​a robot acting as a policeman was pure flight of fantasy, however today it is already becoming reality.

Inventors from California-based Knightscope a real autonomous police robot. Of course shoot in no one will allow criminals to the car, however robotic law enforcement officer can provide help, regulate driving cars on the road, point out to citizens minor violations like throwing garbage past the urn and record more serious crimes.

Americans decided to let their invention be tested United Arab Emirates Police. Memory robot over three hundred license plates per minute by the way on the busy roads of Dubai.

It is reported that the robot policeman will continuously analyze his environment, picking up from the acoustic background any suspicious sounds: shots, the sound of broken glass, screams of help. Hearing something like this, the car will start to signal and rush off to the scene, recording everything on the video. If a crime really will take place, a police outfit will instantly leave, to detain the perpetrators.

Despite the fact that no one is planning in the United States commission robotic police, especially wealthy companies already have the opportunity to acquire such assistants for ensuring the protection of their facilities.

However, in our time, the assistant robot can be seen not only in as a guard or policeman, his “image” is diverse, he successfully used in everyday life, in a cafe, hotel, store and many other places. The layman does not even suspect how deep these smart machines have penetrated into various areas of our lives. Not by chance the world famous theoretical physicist Hawking at recently past scientific conference in London said the next hundred years will be the heyday of artificial intelligence. And if people at first they will try to understand who controls all this, then soon realize that controlling artificial intelligence is easy impossible …

Life Artificial Intelligence Robots

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