Earth looks worse from space

Earth looks worse from spacePhotos from open sources of

Specialists currently at the International space station shared with the world public disturbing the news. According to them, the earth’s atmosphere looks from afar sick and thinned. Astronauts fear that over time the gas shell of our planet can disappear into space like this happened to mars.

The author of this statement was an American Scott Kelly, who has accounts in various social networks and is periodically divided with Internet users Earth shots and various interesting observations of our “home”. Now a NASA employee claims that a fragile film that protects life on a blue planet looks sick, and it is necessary by any efforts to take care of her protection.

Earlier, Scott Kelly wrote more than once that the Earth is strongly polluted and the results of such an irresponsible attitude human civilization to their habitat are increasingly visible from space. Most, according to the astronaut, in the atmosphere hit by Asian countries where air pollution has gained just unprecedented proportions. An American writes: “If you look from space, then over most of Asia, the sky is covered with an impressive gray veil. The same trend is observed in Central America. ”

Kelly reports that if Earth were human, it would have significant health problems, and those organs that would represent Asia, would be in a particularly deplorable state. The astronaut adds that the gas shell of the planet is already experiencing huge loads protecting us from harmful effects ultraviolet radiation, so also a man destroys it by all means.

Representatives of the American Space Agency back in 2003 declared that the earth’s atmosphere is thinning with the unimaginable speed, and from space carbon dioxide emissions into the air are already visible. Scientists have determined that over the past four decades, the atmosphere became twenty percent thinner and over time the speed dispersion will only increase.

Experts cite as a comparison the Red Planet, which once also had an atmosphere, however for unknown reasons lost her about four billion years ago and became unusable for living.


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