A photo from open sources
New article published on the official news site Massachusetts Institute of Technology, reports that with the moment of its formation, for about 4.5 billion years, our the planet could at least lose its atmosphere. Other in a word, the earthly atmosphere of today is not at all what she was in the early days of our homeworld.
For a long time, scientists have been racking their brains in trying find out why so many things happened in the history of our Earth colossal and dramatic changes. And according to research scientists from MIT, a very frequent space bombardment could become the main reason for these changes.
In a published article, scientists report that by analyzing a large amount of material, they concluded that our the good old planet was losing its primeval atmosphere in the bombing of tens of thousands of cosmic stones. AND it happened around the same period when it formed Earth’s natural satellite is the Moon.
Some scientists believe that for the loss of the Earth almost all her primary atmosphere she had to face the cosmic body about the size of Mars. However, if such a collision really happened at some point in the history of the earth then on its the surfaces definitely should have remained “scars”.
Refusing this theory, scientists from MIT declare that the Earth was bombarded by tens of thousands of cosmic cobblestones, the dimensions of which often reached 25 kilometers in diameter. At a giant volume of gas clouds rose in the fall. As a result so much gas has accumulated that these clouds literally pushed the atmosphere of the planet into space.
Scientists believe that, despite the fact that many such a theory events might seem insane, she really could to happen. Scientists focus on the fact that according to collected and analyzed information, cosmic stones were a common occurrence in the solar system billions of years ago. She practically was filled with them. Researchers have even put forward the assumption that as a result of similar scenarios its the atmosphere could have been lost by Venus and Mars.
Scientists also suggest that as a result of this bombardments on the planet there are new gases that in their it was the turn that made life on Earth possible.
Mars Stones