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If in the neighboring dimension the Earth has not formed, or ours physical laws do not apply, then as a result of a breakthrough into another space will turn out that you and I simply do not exist On The so-called “particle” was discovered by the Large Hadron Collider God’s, or Higgs boson. Probably now we will find out how nevertheless, the Universe appeared. In July, a seminar was held at CERN, at which presented the latest results from ATLAS experiments and Higgs particle search CMS. During both experiments was a particle with a mass of about 125-126 GeV was detected. According to the participant CMS Joe Inkandela experiment, the results obtained – preliminary, but absolutely reliable: “We really found new particle. We are also sure that this is a boson, and the most the hardest of all so far found. Consequences of this discovery very significant, so we should seriously relate to our cross-sectional research and experiments control. “Anything dark will become apparent? Director of CERN Research Sergio Bertolucci noted that now scientists It is necessary to engage in a more detailed study of the data. The next step will be an accurate determination of the nature of the discovered particles and its significance for understanding the nature of our Universe, which will require a lot of time. It is possible that this is the same boson Higgs is the last missing component in the Standard Model. But perhaps this is something even more exotic. “Standard model” describes all known fundamental particles of which consists our visible world, and the forces of interaction between them. Note that the visible world is only 4 percent of all the matter of the universe, the remaining 96 percent is dark matter. Higgs boson is supposed to be a bridge to understanding the nature of dark matter and the origin of the universe. Through time and measurements, these studies have a chance not to just help solve one of the most interesting puzzles. Maybe, in the near future, we will be able to see with our own eyes the dinosaurs and discuss the most effective military strategies with Napoleon. Russian scientists believe that as a result of experiments humanity will be able to create a time machine. Executives the groups hypothesized that they discovered a boson named Higgs has an amazing ability to move in temporary space. This work is based on M-theory, which is considered contender for the theory of the emergence of the whole world. She is able explain all the main points of the universe and the impact of accurate mathematical language of formulas and numbers. According to her, everything exists a dozen spatio-temporal measurements. According to scientists, the main question is not how much in the universe measurements, and why we are available precisely three, not four, or six, or all nine. Researchers from Washington University, together with colleagues from Harvard, believe that they found the answer to this question. From their point of view, at that moment when The universe was just born and a little later, when it expanded, three- and seven-dimensional realities formed. “It looks like solving a math problem, “says Andreas Karh, professor University of Washington. – “There may be several solutions to one of the same equation. “The assumption is based on the fact that first in The universe was just one dimension with several structures – membranes that existed in it and shared from one to nine, and none of these membranes intersected with the others. According to scientists, further the Universe developed quite naturally and no spatial changes. And when the membranes expanded and dissolved, almost untouched were two. One of them is ours. three-dimensional and one more – seven-dimensional. Moreover, the laws of nature can different worlds act differently. For example, such forces as electromagnetism manifest itself only in a three-dimensional world and behave according to our laws of physics. But gravity acts in all spatial dimensions, even those that are not available to us, Physicists explain. However, in other dimensions it may act otherwise, for example, its strength will be different. “We know that there are people in our three-dimensional dimension. But in that case, it would be logical to assume that there are people somewhere in the neighboring membrane – seven-dimensional, “says Lisa Rendell.” But in other dimensions, life hardly the same as ours. The fact is that our measurement in in a sense, the most complex. Fundamental values with us logical and balanced among themselves. In other dimensions, they also present, but they act differently. Therefore could suggest that, for example, in the seven-dimensional world gravity acts weaker than ours and many planetary systems just don’t would have formed, “says Prof. Karh.” In any case, the three-dimensional dimension is in a sense central. ” A hole for us all? While scientists study the results of the collision particle, the public is worried how long after Such experiments will exist in our world. It is believed that due to such “bumps”, microscopic black holes form. To rely on special radiation, leading to their evaporation, not worth much – experimental evidence that it works no. That’s why distrust arises for this innovation. Despite the fact that many have already imagined how formed in Europe, a black hole, growing, will swallow the whole planet, sound the alarm ahead of time is not worth it. However, if theories with additional spatial dimensions will be true, we not much time left to have time to solve all of their questions. After all, if in the neighboring dimension the Earth has not formed, or our physical laws do not apply, as a result of a breakthrough in another space will turn out that you and I simply do not exist. It is possible that time goes to another side. Anyway, any experiment on colliders with a lift energy levels, intensity, temperature or other parameters particle collisions each time may be the last. Land just instantly disappear as a result of a man-made disaster in powerful explosion of a large proton-electron bomb, flashing on a moment in space and leaving in its orbit only an asteroid belt. Billions into the pipe Anxiety concern, rather you still need to know the world. Therefore, in 2013, CERN plans upgrade the LHC by installing more powerful detectors on it and increasing overall power. Planned construction of the muon Collider – to explore the properties of the newly opened particles. Some CERN Specialists and US and Japanese Scientists suggested starting work on a new Very Large Hadron the collider. At the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna already in 2015, a unique heavy ion collider will begin work NICA, which will allow to study the properties of superdense nuclear matter. At this point, a giant accelerator will be created. complex, the basis of which after modernization will become existing facility – Nuclotron, heavy ion accelerator, working since 1993. (“Kursk Izvestia”, Kursk)
Hadron Collider Time Universe Gravity Black Hole