Photo from open sources
It became known that the magnetic field of our planet is preparing for coup, but recent discoveries in the field of geology have shown that this process may be delayed.
A change in the Earth’s magnetic field is a common natural phenomenon, when which is changing the poles of the planet, and which is happening every 200000-300000 years. According to scientists, the last change Poles occurred 780,000 years ago. This suggests that this the process should have happened a long time ago.
Early research has shown that this process can take up to one thousand years old. However, British scientists, evaluating the movement of flows lavas, oceanic deposits and Antarctic cores, concluded that the pole change can drag on up to 22,000 years.
The formation of the Earth’s magnetic field occurs due to rotation liquid outer core around the inner solid core. Given the interaction creates a field invisible to the eyes that passes through northern and southern parts of the planet.
In order to determine the date of the last pole change, geologists tracked how lava flows moved and oceanic deposits during the formation of new rocks. According to scientists, lava flows are ideal magnetic field recorders, as in there are a lot of iron-containing minerals which, when solidified are fixed in the direction of the field.
However, it should be understood that volcanoes do not erupt constantly, therefore, the main emphasis is on more thorough work in order to determine the right direction. Despite the fact that inversions occur in the deeper parts of our planet, their results are more all visible on its surface and even in the atmosphere.
Some scientists believe that a possible pole change will lead to weakening of the magnetic field of our planet, and all living things on they will become vulnerable to powerful solar radiation.
Andrey Vetrov