Earth’s oceans boil away after 300 years

Oceans of the Earth will boil away after 300 yearsA photo from open sources

The climate on Earth continues to change: carbon dioxide concentration gas in the atmosphere and average temperature rise, and with this, throughout apparently, nothing can be done. Worst as they say pessimists ahead. Fishes and birds can die out, and sea waters will turn into a primitive microbial “soup”

The climate on Earth continues to change: carbon dioxide concentration gas in the atmosphere and average temperature rise, and with this, throughout apparently, nothing can be done. Worst as they say pessimists ahead.

World Meteorological Organization (WMO) states that the outgoing year has every chance of getting into the top ten warmest with meteorological observations: from January to September, the average temperature was half a degree higher than the annual average basis for the reference period of 1961-1990. (14.2 degrees). “The temperature this year is about the same as the average in 2001-2010 years, the warmest decade in the history of observations, “- announced WMO Secretary General Michel Jarraud. He drew attention to continued increase in atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases, in carbon dioxide in particular, which is associated mainly with using fossil fuels. “A hot future awaits us,” – warned Jarro.

A photo from open sources

Photo: EPA

Moreover, an increase in temperature is only one of the manifestations climate change. The negative impact on the water cycle is already it becomes apparent what is expressed in droughts, floods and extreme rainfall.

Scientists cite typhoon Haiyan as an example. to the Philippines. She speaks at the Institute of Hydrodynamics of the Institute of water problems of the RAS Valery Zyryanov:

“As a result of climate warming, the surface of the ocean becomes warmer. And in tropical latitudes, this temperature is increasingly passes for a critical mark of 26.6 C. And this is the beginning the occurrence of hurricanes. So climate warming pulls catastrophic natural phenomena. There were observations in Hawaiian islands about carbon dioxide in the atmosphere – the main component of the greenhouse effect. The graph is called “Hawaiian saw. “It shows fluctuations in carbon dioxide content in atmosphere. The curve has a carbon dioxide emission curve. by humanity. Until 1978, these curves were the same. It speaks of that we ourselves have shifted the balance. But since the 78th year the curve human emissions has become smoother. But the curve for increasing CO2 in atmosphere still rises. While we were emitting CO2, the ocean was heating up. It’s enough for him to warm up half a degree, to start throwing huge amounts of carbon dioxide yourself gas to the atmosphere. Approximately 85% of all CO2 dissolved in water Oceans. ”

A photo from open sources

Photo: EPA

In the second half of the 21st century, abnormal heat will become almost an annual phenomenon that will be celebrated on 60% of the earth surface. Moreover: land area abnormally prone high temperatures will increase by about one percent in year. While this phenomenon is oscillatory in nature: in 2003 abnormal heat came to Europe, in 2010 it hit the territory of Russia, in 2012 – in the United States, and this year again migrated to Europe.

Not enough heat in itself? University of Michigan Scientists (USA) consider global warming literally fraught sense of grinding animals and humans. Conclusions are based on studying the bones of ancient species that lived on the planet about 55 million years ago. The increase in average annual air temperature in 5-7 degrees results in a decrease in the size of mammals by 30 % 2.7 degrees warming – 19%. True it’s reversible process. That which does not burn will sink. According to the UN, global sea ​​level rose to a new record level. Every year he growing by 3.2 millimeters – twice as fast as in the last century. National Geographic recently published a forecast changes in the geographical appearance of our planet, if as a result global warming will melt the ice of the oceans. Will turn out flooded almost all coastal areas. Areas going under water where a fairly large percentage of the world’s population lives now. AND all this water will be almost lifeless, like 3 and a half billion years ago.

If we were in the Archean seas, we would find that we were in a kind of microbial “soup” of algae and bacteria. Over time they evolved to complex forms. But today we are talking about the opposite the transformation of once complex oceanic ecosystems (with large animals and intricate food chains) into simplified systems with a dominant position of germs and jellyfish.

A photo from open sources

Photo: EPA

Overfishing, destruction of its traditional environment habitats as well as climate change are devastating the oceans. IN As a result, we risk reversing the evolutionary process. Is talking Senior Researcher, Institute of Cell Biophysics, RAS Karnaukhov:

“In fact, not those animals that are common everywhere, and those that are already on the brink of survival. So called marginal species created a reserve of sustainability. At changing environmental conditions, it was these species that filled the ecological niches and gave stability to the system. When the system simplifies, stability decreases. For example, about 90% of carbon dioxide from About 80 species of plankton are extracted from the atmosphere. These species are very highly dependent on the temperature and acidity of the water. Changes to these parameters will cause the death of plankton. We will not notice their disappearance unlike the disappearance of polar bears or walruses, salvation which are involved in whole organizations. And when some a microorganism that is not visible with the eye, as a rule, the public remains in ignorance. Although the effects of extinction plankton is much more serious than the effects of extinction polar bears. ”

A photo from open sources

© (rick harrison) / cc-by-nc-sa 3 .0

One of the main causes of ocean depletion is huge volumes. catch. There is data according to which the number of large fish – as living in open water (tuna, swordfish, marlin), and bottom breeds (cod, halibut, flounder) – declined since 1950 by 90%. As a result, fishing fleets switched to more small fish: sardine, anchovy and herring. And they just eat mentioned plankton. The removal of an important link from the middle of the food chains at the root undermines the entire ecosystem. Alex says Karnaukhov:

2First of all terrestrial animals, birds will disappear. Because many birds feed on fish. From penguins to seagulls. But birds can die just because of a change chemical composition of the atmosphere. They, for example, are much more sensitive to carbon dioxide than mammals.

By the way, that’s precisely why miners used to take with them in the face cages with birds: sudden death of birds was for miners an alarm. During the Moscow abnormal heat of 2010 many birds died. Two to three years later, we are witnessing an invasion insects. This is a sign of a changing ratio between numbers various types. Birds feed on insects. And when they die insects begin to multiply uncontrollably. And many of their species are the fiercest enemies of the forest. Chains actually of course affect the environment. ”

Human activities change the basic chemistry of the seas. Acidity water is growing. So, the amount of calcium carbonate is reduced – a key building element for skeletons and coral shells, plankton, mollusks, as well as for many other marine organisms. Contamination contributes.

A photo from open sources

Photo: EPA

Toxins persist over time, overcoming vast distances accumulate in marine animals and plants, breaking food chains. Says Valery Zyryanov:

“Oceans are a large settler of nature. Everything that flowed down from continents, it accumulated and besieged. Because of this the oceans salted – all salts were washed off the land. Currents stir water all oceans. The approximate time of one revolution is 450 years. Thanks the ocean manages to accumulate a lot of this process pollution. But coastal areas suffer the most. Now all more and more oil pollution. Because humanity goes offshore. But it’s still less than it gets into the ocean as a result of land washout. ”

In general, it turns out that our world is not killed by oil companies, but we ourselves, producing, for example, millions of tons of household waste. However, according to Alexei Karnaukhov, not even a addiction to overconsumption will put us on the brink of survival.

“The worst thing is not that we will have a primitive ocean ecosystem. If we do not limit ourselves to consumption of natural resources (including hydrocarbons), then the oceans just boil away. It will happen in 300 years if we don’t change the nature of nature management. Temperature may vary more than 100 degrees. As such, there will be no sea at all.

If we do not change our attitude towards nature, then global warming will go into the irreversible stage of the greenhouse disaster. AND our planet Earth will turn into a likeness of Venus, on the surface which several hundred degrees and no life in the usual for it’s impossible for us, “said Karnaukhov.

In a word, from the current environmental problems it is already so simple don’t brush it off. They begin to directly affect the quality of life. of each specific person – and the further, the stronger. Let it go, from the point of view of a number of scientists, not everything is lost – climate change cyclic, the concentration of carbon dioxide, as already mentioned, then rising then falling. And the “reverse mechanism” will have to work. But still, no one can say for sure when and how this is what will happen and what will eventually turn out to be …

Sergey Duz

Water Time Global Warming Life Climate Bears Insects Birds Russia Fish USA

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