A photo from open sources
Fresh herbs are not only useful as a vitamin concentrate, they are it also gives many dishes a wonderful taste, piquancy and even aesthetic highlight. This is especially important in winter, when greens becomes a deficit. It is then that she wants more of all.
Of course, today in any major city the same spring onion, which we all love so much and especially in the winter, can be bought at store or market. But firstly, it’s expensive, and secondly, you you will never be sure what you actually acquired, which chemicals used to grow this green, not to mention already about many other shortcomings, let’s say, about its relatively quick withering in the refrigerator. Thirdly, bunches of purchased “greenfinch” can get caught with rotten elements and so on.
For this reason, many think about growing the same green onions at home, especially since in vegetable stores can always be purchased for these discounted onions an onion that has already begun to sprout. However grow greens in in pots or even in special boxes with ground for seedlings uncomfortable, troublesome and also it requires a lot of space on window sills.
But it turns out there’s a simple, even brilliant way, allowing you to grow greens and, first of all, all of us loved green onions (garlic), without using either pots, or boxes, or even land. This will require only strong (certainly new) plastic bags and sawdust (sold for cats in veterinarians and veterinary pharmacies). Moreover, sawdust can be replaced with ordinary (cheapest) toilet paper. The method is not just easy, clean and cheap, it’s also super-efficient, allowing you to grow greens in large quantities. And at the same time you will have it ecologically clean and always the freshest – right from the “garden” to the table!
In more detail, how all this is done, i.e. with all details of this unique technology, see excellent video tutorial provided by the Harvest Corner video channel.