Easy to cope with aerophobia

Coping with aerophobia is easy.Photos from open sources of

When boarding an airplane, even the most desperate person experiences some concern, let alone the suspicious and susceptible to aerophobia of people. Fear of flying especially escalates when people read and see the latest news information about accidents on the airlines. It is no coincidence during this period sharply reduced demand for airline tickets.

And this despite the fact that according to statistics, air transport is considered the most reliable, that is, people suffer and die on it significantly less than in cars, trains and ships. Not less, a feeling of flying, a huge height underfoot, defenselessness in in the event of an accident – all this is depressing for a person.

At this time, a large dose of adrenaline is released into the blood, after why a person has an irresistible desire to move, say, run, jump. But this is just what you can’t do on the plane, why the passenger falls into a real stupor – he starts stray breathing and palpitations, trembling limbs, appears perspiration on the forehead, and so on. There are all signs of aerophobia.

Note that there is no cure for phobias, fear with certain pills can only be slightly suppressed, but not removed, and even more so – to heal. For this reason, psychologists recommend to all those who often flying a plane or panic afraid to fly for the first time, take an aerophobia control course in advance.

In modern clinics, for example, there are special flight simulators, that is, simulators that teach the psyche take flights for granted. After all none of us are afraid to ride, say, on a bus, although the risk get into an emergency in this case much more than in by plane.

A photo from open sources

There are traditional (old) methods of dealing with such a phobia. Before do not look at the flight and do not read the chronicle of incidents, in general opt out of the news – it will only benefit you. Directly on the plane try to escape from the obsessive black thoughts, in this case it is better to think about something pleasant. If doesn’t work, then bring along a player with your favorite music, tablet with an interesting film, knitting, finally, just good a book. Some will do the usual work on the plane, let’s say compiling a financial report on a laptop.

But most importantly, do not drown out the fear of flying with alcohol. how practice shows that drinking alcohol only enhances the feeling anxiety, moreover, alcohol can lead to health problems and even fatal.


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