A photo from open sources
Despite the fact that the last volleys of World War II thundered seventy-odd years ago, its echo no no no answer in modern life, moreover, as inherent in any war, will respond new fears and suffering.
For example, in France recently popularity gaining “magnetic fishing”. It began with the fact that environmental fishermen decided to clean water from iron debris to make life easier for underwater inhabitants. But fall for magnetic fishing rods became not only rusty pieces of iron, but also rare things, very valuable that quickly turned this environmental company into a real gambling hobby. Moreover, the organizers of such unique fishing warn beginners that in the ponds around which fought during World War II, it’s better not to meddle – dangerous: there may be mines, shells, bombs …
A photo from open sources
The other day, the deadly danger that the unexploded bombs and shells from that war, residents felt a small German town in the Albach community. At four in the morning there was suddenly a roar resembling the beginning of a volcanic eruption or earthquakes. This “thunder” was heard for many kilometers, and the inhabitants of the town generally woke up in horror – what happened?
As experts later determined, a second bomb exploded World War II, peacefully lying all this time in the ground. Bang from her left a funnel about ten meters in diameter and three meter deep. All this happened on the farmer’s field. Fortunately no one not injured.
Similar explosions, these echoes of that terrible time, are not a rarity in Germany, as in any territory where it took place second world war. As statistics show, the danger from such explosions no more than a lightning strike. However, from unexploded mines, shells and bombs people still suffer, and most often teenagers who have amazing sneakiness, the ability to climb into all the cracks, inexhaustible curiosity – and that’s it this, unfortunately, is poorly controlled by the mind.
War Time Germany Life