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Explosive industrial growth in China over the past 20 years led to the fact that uncontrolled emissions into the environment reached catastrophic proportions. It’s no secret that in Chinese People’s Republic of China various goods that are then exported to other countries. Share of Chinese exports in world exports of goods in 2010 year increased to 10% compared with 3% in 1999, overtaking by this indicator Germany. This means that every tenth product in the world made in china! In the US, this figure is even higher – almost every the fifth item sold in stores in America, originally from China. Which Does the Chinese people pay for this economic miracle? Most China’s industrialized regions are its eastern and southeast coast. In these areas since 2003 a serious increase in environmental pollution is recorded. The most unpleasant is the fact that these contaminants are no longer have time to disperse in the air and, rising to great heights, transferred to other countries. In Russian news reports of accidents in Chinese are frequent enterprises and related pollution of rivers on the border with Territories of Russia, which is why in some Russian cities even the withdrawal of drinking water from these reservoirs ceased. Tourists Visitors to China have already noticed that the air in many Chinese cities are opaque and have odors. In Pekin during the 2008 Olympics even introduced a partial ban on the movement of private vehicles to reduce the impact of smog on athletes and their athletic performance. Is worth to note the fact that the economic “miracle” in China has affected not all. These are mainly officials of the communist party, their families, and those who are close to the authorities. The vast majority of people in China lives poorly.