Egyptian Mysticism in Ramoni

In Ramoni, near Voronezh, at the end of the 19th century a princess appeared Eugene: mother, Grand Duchess Romanova, father – Duchess Lichtenberg, by husband – the Princess of Oldenburg.

This palace was built in the old English style, rare for Russia. Traditional red brickwork and plaster elements and wood, painted white, tall brick pipes and finely devitrified windows with frames rising up added similarities with English halls and castles. From the palace on the slope there was a multi-flight staircase with viewpoints – to sugar factory built in the floodplain.

Egyptian mysticism in RamoniA photo from open sources

Did the architect Christopher Neisler (who built, by the way, Moscow Central Post Office) to the Anglo-Scandinavian traditions consciously, we don’t know, but the owners – the North German princes Oldenburg, blood relatives of Charles XII and Paul I, they are clearly I liked it.

What a haunted castle

According to legend, inhabited castles, the more so having a rich history, gaining something like their own souls. Here and here at the amateurs in some places, video cameras and cameras have failed. Psychics and physicists claim that the strongest field is in this negative energy. Some of them even said that this is a zone with powerful paranormal activity that helps to go out in other measurements.

The architect Alexander Rudnev, who worked here in the 80s, told: “When the repair began, the workers spent the night right there, place of work. Two rooms were specially equipped for this. ground floor, in the right wing of the building. But they complained that their tormented by nightmares. We heard strange noises that sounded like sounds rolling around the floor of a ball, sometimes to muffled screams and groans, sometimes the wings of birds fluttered, something clicked and beat …

The work of the restorers was not glued. And once upon a time sunny summer day, a dove flew into the open door of the building. AND immediately something unimaginable began to happen to him. The dove fell get down on the floor and powerlessly flap your wings, try to get up, but in vain … I picked up the bird, carried it outside. There the pigeon calmed down stopped beating wings, and after a few minutes was able to take off.

Once the workers brought a cat, but it ran out like a scalded cat to the street. No food could lure her inside. Strange things occurred all the time. One worker suddenly lost his legs. Before of this, he felt perfectly normal. And after three months, when due to illness he stopped visiting the castle, just as unexpectedly recovery has come. Many of those who in different years took involved in the restoration, believed that the castle is really damned, and claim that ghosts interfere with work. ”


Emperor Alexander II presented to his niece, Princess Eugenia of Oldenburg (nee the Duchess of Lichtenberg), Ramon with a sugar factory. Princess showing extraordinary business acumen, carried out its capital reconstruction, funded the laying of the railway from Ramoni to Grafskaya (valid to this day!), built for workers free the dining room. A candy factory was operating at the plant, the products of which exported to other cities and even received an award at Paris exhibition. A nursery for beavers and sika deer and horse yard, acted central water supply.

A photo from open sources

Princess Eugene took care of the Holy Trinity Community of Sisters mercy in which the widows and girls from the poor received the profession families; contained an outpatient clinic where they treated and dispensed medicines free, bad school for children inclinations. “She led the community of St. Eugenia, in which organized nursing courses, an outpatient clinic, and even engaged in publishing; patronized the Metropolitan Society encouraging artists. There, by the way, Nicholas Roerich served – first secretary, and since 1906 the director of the drawing school, where in the pre-revolutionary years, up to 1,500 people studied, and half is free. But the princess was remembered for some reason not this.

Sorcerer’s love

In the district, rumors were believed that the mistress had arranged in the dungeons of the castle either a dungeon or a black altar where people are sacrificed. A then torn souls roam the castle. On the appearance of this legend, perhaps influenced by the fact that the princess kept a menagerie under lock and key the sounds made by animals could well be taken for screams and the groans of the wretched prisoners languishing in the dungeon or the howl of spirits.

Rumor attributed such atrocities not only to the princess, but also her husband, Prince Alexander Petrovich. Allegedly he was associated with the order sorcerers (who really is on Voronezh land) and was expelled from there, but obviously not for professional unsuitability …

So, according to local legend, the princess of Oldenburg discovered hemophilia. Medicine was powerless. But found in Voronezh region the sorcerer who healed the mistress of Ramoni. Money for he did not take treatment, in exchange began to seek her favor. The offended princess told everything to her husband. He himself is not alien secret affairs, using connections, concocted a criminal case: supposedly a sorcerer practiced black magic and mixed the blood of the dead with drugs babies. The sorcerer went to hard labor, but Ramon and the clan of the Oldenburg managed to curse. And it began.

Lady under the black veil

When the owners lived in the capital, Ramoni ordered them Manager Mosin. And then one night the princess appeared on the estate, wrapped in a road cloak and black veil. Hurriedly rose in and locked her bedroom. No conversations, no orders – nothing. The next morning she did not come out, saying she was sick, but from drugs and a doctor refused. The next day – the same thing. Maid worried, but no one dared to do something. And in the estate suddenly began to die people, one after another, in a matter of clock. They talked about the pestilence.

… The son of the manager Mosin, Seryozha, was woken up one night strange sounds – like someone was scrubbing through a window pane. And then a high window suddenly opened and swam into the room without touching gender, mistress. Her face was covered with a black veil. Seryozha from fear He closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes, there was nobody in the room. Then he got up and, stepping cautiously, went to inspect the house. Looking into my father’s bedroom, I saw a figure in black, bending over his father’s the bed. The veil was thrown back … Seeing the dead, half decayed face, Sergei lost consciousness. And in the morning I learned that his father got sick …

On the same day, an old beggar woman came to the steward’s house. “I know what happened to you, ”she said. – Do you want to save your father? When you see sleeping witch, rip off her veil. She’s nothing without her will be able”.

Seryozha went to the manor house, citing an order from father’s. Gently entered the bedroom. There stood a cold, as if in grave crypt. The woman in black was lying on the bed and seemed sleeping. The boy tore off her veil. The witch gave a terrible cry stretched out her hands with claws on her fingers and … melted in the air. And then there was a clatter of hooves outside the window.

A photo from open sources

Sergei opened the curtains and looked out into the yard. I drove up to the porch carriage, Princess Evgenia came out of it in a traveling dress, a hat without veils, with a bag in his hand. The boy told her about the terrible incident. “I can’t believe it,” the hostess smiled. “But I praise you, if you were so brave. A great future awaits you. ”

The pestilence in the county ceased, the manager recovered, and the prediction the mistress came true: Sergey became a weapons master, inventor a three-line rifle that served our army until the middle of XX century. A beautiful legend, but the trouble: in the 70s of the XIX century Seryozha Mosin, born in 1849, was to exchange the third a dozen. And he did not live in Ramoni since he was 12 years old.

There is another version that no one Oldenburgsky cursed, and the palace was originally built on the “place of power”, with which now just do not know how to handle.

Cleopatra Oil

The son of the owners of Ramoni, Prince Peter Alexandrovich, while still young man, tried to find an explanation for mystical phenomena. He even made contacts with the sorcerers, who were pretty good in the district, and in one of the cellars of the castle equipped a laboratory in which mounted a complex device including two rubies and a system mirrors. Unexpected results were obtained during the experiments. – Prince Peter said that he “opened the door to another world, the world, full of horror, fear and pain. “Parallel to our reality, only “lower floor”? Could something like break out from there mistress double under a black veil?

Princess 1905’s daughter-in-law wrote in a diary about to her husband: “He spends every free minute in the laboratory, deep in the dungeons of the palace. Sometimes I remember a fairy tale about Blue Beard, but, fortunately, none of those around us disappear without a trace … Sometimes Peter goes away for an hour or two – and returns with a weekly stubble, emaciated, with eyes burning with happiness. But I am not the reason for this happiness, alas.

He recently brought a clay jar of oil from the laboratory, the smell it was attractive in its own way and incredibly resistant. Peter assured that Cleopatra herself used a similar oil. Maybe he Engaged in perfume chemistry? Another time he presented me with flowers lotus. All this is very touching, but I’m tired of the mysteries and loneliness. At least compose novels. ”

Prince Peter conducted archaeological excavations near the village of Chertovitsky, and he managed to discover the products of ancient Egyptian masters. By his Ramon was one of the dungeons of Amon-Ra: Ra-Amon. Ancient Voronezh and Egypt! It is unthinkable? But historians are often mentioned that the pharaohs were buried in wreaths of cornflowers and daisies, and Witches in Russia were often called “Egyptian women.”

Prince’s silence

Ivan Egorovich Zabelin (1820-1908), historian and archaeologist, director History Museum in Moscow, corresponded with Prince Peter. Once Oldenburgsky sent him a letter of opportunity, which said: “I believe that the sanctuary is valid to this day! It can seem completely unbelievable, but I have let indirect ones, but all the same, evidence that I still do not dare to bring to you, man corrosive and meticulous.

I can only say that when the times of Akhenaten began persecution of the priests of the god Amun, they returned here, in his main the temple The current priests of Amon-Ra, seemingly perfect inhabitants, Christians attend the temple and fast on the appointed days. His own they practice the ancient religion so secretly that only chance opened up to me a tiny corner of the Veil of Secrecy. And I’m not I know if this is good … Amon-Ra knows how to take revenge unnecessarily inquisitive … ”

In the next letter, the prince writes: “Ramoni is gone, she burned to the ground. Only three houses remained from the whole village. Price too high idle curiosity. Although I transmit this letter with a person completely reliable, but I’m afraid it can fall into the hands of priests Amon-Ra. If so, then let them know: neither now nor in the future do I I am going to speak publicly about what I have made discoveries. ”

Only nowadays archaeologists of Voronezh University found in one of the mounds the products of ancient Egyptian masters – sandstone scarabs, earthenware beads with female portraits, painted paints that have not lost their shades so far. Scrolls with ancient runic inscriptions are also found. Case for historians.

Time Moscow Birds Russia

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