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Electric cars have long turned into a kind of symbol combating pollution and climate change however the obstacle to their mass acquisition is still too high price and some problems with recharging.
However, things could change over the next three years. International Research Organization “Bloomberg NEF”, studying traditional and alternative sources energy, made a very intriguing statement.
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A new study by the company shows that by 2022 electric cars will become cheaper cars with internal engines combustion. A decade ago, someone could hardly have predicted such a rapid growth in the electric transport industry. If in 2010, only about twelve traveled on the roads of our planet and a half thousand electric vehicles, today their number already exceeds five million. However, this, as you might guess, is a mere trifle in comparison with the number of operating machines on a traditional fuel.
Despite the fact that electric cars are still behind their “smoking cousins” in terms of refueling duration, range and cost, the situation is changing rapidly. Batteries steadily It becomes smaller, more reliable and cheaper. A famous American Tesla Automotive Company the eccentric billionaire Ilon Mask, and completely asked the mission at any cost to transplant earthlings in a comparatively short time eclectic cars.
A photo from open sources
Cars of the same “Tesla”, alas, periodically light up and even explode due to malfunctioning lithium-ion batteries, however Musk and his colleagues assure: the future lies with such a transport. Some years ago, batteries cost almost half the price of electric cars, and Today their value is already about 33% of the total. According to representatives of “Bloomberg NEF”, if such dynamics continue, then by 2022, this figure can reach only 20%.
Ideally, according to experts, the situation will be that not only cars will be equipped everywhere with electric motors cars and mopeds, but also trucks and buses, excavators and tractors, boats and boats, planes and helicopters. By itself Of course, in this case, the problem with recharging such electrical engineering will be resolved everywhere.
How electric cars will improve the environmental situation in the world, hard to say because for the production of electricity still in huge quantities, hydrocarbons are burned. And here are the Tesla cars some forecasters call the “time bomb” action “, which, without changing the environment for the better, can just ruin the global economy. Moreover, developing such at a fantastic pace …