Emergency Situations Predicted in Emergencies Ministry

A photo from open sources PHOTO: ITAR-TASS Head of EMERCOM of the Russian Federation Vladimir Puchkov warned today of discussions at the St. Petersburg international economic forum that disaster risks in conditions of development of human civilization will increase. “New types of dangers are emerging, a steady trend growth of natural and man-made risks both in frequency and in scale and damage, “RIA Novosti quoted Puchkova as saying. Accidents, according to Puchkov, threaten the development of not only individual regions, but sometimes entire countries and even continents. IN individual countries natural disaster loss character reaches up to 10% of GDP, the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations predicts. Increase risk of disasters planetary population growth, increased migration flows, increasing resource consumption and waste accumulation. Tufts stated that natural disasters can only be eliminated jointly and called on the world community to join forces in the fight against disasters. “One of the main tasks is to create a system scientific monitoring, which allows predicting possible manifestations of crisis phenomena and disasters, identify measures for prevent them or fight them, “said Puchkov. a powerful natural disaster in recent years has become a flood, that hit the Balkans a few days ago. According to the latest data, death toll as a result of the rampant disaster in Bosnia and Serbia; and Croatia exceeded 50 people, dozens of people considered missing without a trace. Flood emergency caused by heavy rains, was introduced in Serbia and Bosnia on May 15. Rains have stopped, but the threat is posed by the overflowing rivers and landslides. Some cities and villages were completely cut off from the outside world, destroyed hundreds of thousands of residential buildings, Road infrastructure has been hit hard.

Vladislav Krupa

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