Endangered bees are fast approaching the end Sveta

Endangered bees are rapidly nearing the end of the worldA photo from open sources

The great scientist Albert Einstein said that when bees disappear on our planet, the real one is coming Apocalypse. The legendary theoretical physicist tried his best prevent a nuclear war, however, always feared that humanity will sink into oblivion faster, destroying all honey bees on the ground. Such a disappointing prediction has already begun to come true: world scientists are alarmed that these hardworking insects rapidly disappearing from our planet.

A photo from open sources

What are the causes of pestilence? International experts report that there are many. These include change climate, global environmental degradation, large-scale agricultural use of pesticides, effects on insects of modern electronics, all kinds of parasites and so Further. All this leads to potentially catastrophic results. For example, in the United States, the population of honey bees per the last century has fallen by 50-80 percent – this is the real catastrophe!

The main causes of bee extinction

American scientists conducted a study and revealed a connection between pollution of nature with pesticides and poor quality of life of bees. IN more than six were discovered in honey and wax of dying insects varieties of agricultural pesticides. It leads to the fact that the bees cannot eat normally, and also become easy prey for parasites, viruses and bacteria. European scientists also carefully studying this issue, confirm that pesticides make bees vulnerable to the parasitic ticks of varroa, colony infecting fatal varroatosis.

Indian experts report that for honey bees a huge threatened by electromagnetic waves that are emitted by towers mobile communications and the cell phones themselves. When in indian the beekeeping state of Kerala has dramatically installed a huge amount mobile communication towers, the local bee population almost immediately has disappeared. It turned out that the waves of cellular communications are detrimental on the navigation skills of working bees. Collecting flower nectar for of their families, insects could not find their way back and died, in as a result, whole beehives also died out.

A photo from open sources

A significant reduction in the number of honey bees is observed today, not only in the United States, but also in Canada, Australia, China and the European Union as a whole. All blame, according to some researchers may be genetically modified plants grown today in many developed countries. The bees refuse to pollinate such plants and are left without nectar. Also proven that the use of GMO by bees significantly reduces insect immunity. In the UK, where this problem is especially sharply, and completely predict the complete disappearance of bees in the next decade.

Apocalypse is approaching

About 80 percent of the world’s crops pollinated by bees. This means that in case of data loss insects awaits mass hunger. Moreover, humanity does not intends (and cannot) refuse pesticides, GMOs or satellite communications. A way out of the situation is actively sought, however, it is clearly will be “artificial.” So, some scientists propose to deduce new species of bees resistant to poisons and diseases. Others are convinced that you need to create more self-pollinating plants. Third people of science believe that pollination is indispensable, but its will have to achieve in any other ways that for now reminiscent of pure science fiction. Meanwhile, the Apocalypse approaching, and perhaps you need to wait for it not at all from where we prophesy supporters of a world conspiracy …

End of the World Insects Bees Plants

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