Energy vampire how to resist his

Energy vampire how to resist itPhoto from open sources

Official science denies the existence of energy vampirism, however, it once denied that the Earth is round and revolves around the sun, so scientists believe the word we are in this case, perhaps, we will not. Energy vampirism though is a scientifically unproven theory, but in practice, each of us in one degree or another, is faced with this phenomenon.

You probably thought: why communication with some people brings pleasure and promotes a lift, while while other individuals cause only irritation and as if empty you no matter what they say or do. In this case, not it’s necessary that the person is bad and hostile towards you: just in his presence invariably becomes somehow uncomfortable, and the mood spoils instantly.

What causes energy vampirism

After communicating with an energy vampire in a normal person violated biofield, he begins to experience irritation, fatigue, moral exhaustion. The vampire himself restores vitality and begins to feel much better. A healthy person prolonged interaction with this, figuratively speaking, parasite can cause insomnia, depression, neurasthenia and even diseases physical plan.

Of course, from an annoying neighbor or forever bothering your colleagues’ problems can always be fenced off, or even require leave you alone. Indisputably tell a person in person that communication with him is unpleasant to you, often difficult, unpleasant, but in our world needs to be able to stand up for ourselves morally, otherwise you turn into an eternal sacrifice – a kind of battery that will be constantly use, and without the slightest gratitude.

A photo from open sources

But the problem sometimes is that energy vampires are often people close to us – for example, a husband or wife, brother or sister, boyfriend or girlfriend. And these people, despite their undisguised vampirism, we truly love.

Esoterics report that such a situation is quite possible to control, and even cure a person of vampirism. But for the beginning it is necessary to recognize such a “monster” in its environment and figure out why he is doing this. After all, an energy vampire, with rare exceptions, not a conscious villain, but just a man, which for one reason or another lacks vital energy. is he unable to accumulate and hold it, so he needs to draw strength from others, provoking the latter to manifest negative emotions, for example, irritation, because only through vitality can be pumped from the donor.

Professionals divide energy vampires into conscious and unconscious, while the second type includes most of them. About 95% of such people in their hearts do not wish others harm, however they need to be fed by alien energy in order to survive. But lucid vampires are well aware that other people’s discomfort and bad mood give them strength, bring satisfaction, therefore deliberately evoke negative emotions in others, say, with great pleasure bring them to white heat.

How to identify an energy vampire

Most often, such a person has his own proven tactics, and he rarely changes it. It’s enough to identify a few recurring cases of vampirism that are replaced by your leak energy to understand that you are dealing with a parasite. remember, that the energy vampire needs, as they say, to get into your soul, so that you become an open book for him. This person constantly interested in your feelings, fears, problems, various aspects of personal life. So it’s easier for him to manipulate your energy.

A photo from open sources

For this reason, the vampire himself loves to dump his others on others. “dirty laundry”. Such a person will tell you about their troubles, quarrels with family and friends, endless sores and failures. For example, an energy aggressor may easily tell you what shame and humiliation he suffered. It would seem that such information a person should keep secret and try to quickly forget what happened, but for a vampire it’s not important. He needs to make you feel awkward, and than the more sensitive the topic, the stronger the impact on the donor. how consequence, you give him strength, and the more empathize – the he receives more from you.

Energy parasites prefer to talk with a person about that he is not interested or, even better, unpleasant. The vampire will tell the news about the latest tragedies and disasters, savoring all the details. If you are indifferent to politics, this “monster” will persistently bother you with talking about her, sometimes leading to rabies. If you are not religious – wait for delusional discussions about Bible, god, afterlife. Love kids – get ready listen to lengthy lectures on how to educate the growing generation. The vampire is well aware that you do not love and that you annoying, and will always be hit on the most painful place so that to infuriate and get your portion of energy.

Courtesy to energy aggressors is not peculiar. Such people, on the contrary, will publicly hurt and insult others, to get not only their energy, but also the energy of witnesses such obscene scenes. Should you condemn him in your soul – everything, you gave him a piece of his strength. And if you still pull, shame – you’ll practically open up for him completely. That’s why energy vampirism is constantly causing skirmishes, scandals and even fights in public places. All this disgrace vital to the parasite. In this case, the unconscious vampire will also consider yourself in such cases as a victim, trying to put pressure subsequently to pity and still suck the strength of those around him people.

A photo from open sources

Energy vampires aspire to high positions. If such a person becomes the boss, then his subordinates immediately turn into donors, from which the leader draws all life strength (any of us can remember such a vampire boss). And he wants to get a position as high as possible, since In this case, there are more donors. Now you understand why officials behave so ugly? They just vampire you. For the same reason these parasites like to spread rumors, organize conspiracies, engage in bullying innocent people and much another thing that seems incomprehensible to a normal person – why ?!

Confronting Energy Vampirism

First of all, learn to say no to people. The victims energy aggressors almost always become those who by virtue character or upbringing cannot refuse another, repulse him, put it in place.

Of course, it’s much harder when you live with energy a vampire in the same family. In this case, patience and love will be required. close to explain to him the destructiveness of his behavior and help find other sources of energy. Try to talk with a relative and explain to him that communication or being close to unbearable to him. Unfortunately, not all energy vampires able to realize the incorrectness of their behavior, therefore, such the parasite may consider that your claims to it are in no way justified. The saddest thing is when a vampire leads strangers decently and gives them the impression of normal person, and from relatives literally drinks blood. Naturally, with In this situation, he will consider that you slander him, and it is a flaw in you. Others, they say, have no complaints against him. And these others will actually wonder why you cannot It’s okay to live with such a “good man.”

A photo from open sources

It is necessary to impress the vampire that he can replenish vitality in other ways: walking, traveling, communicating with nature. Yoga, qigong, meditation and other ancient energy practices also quite useful to him. You can do physical exercises – for example, fitness, dancing, cycling. Good books, music and movies are another source of replenishment mental strength. Finally, pay attention to nutrition, eat less animal food and more natural plant foods, preferably raw.

With vampires you need to constantly work, and certainly knowingly, understanding when they begin to untwist you, stopping it’s as quick as possible and, most importantly, as soft as possible – best with by love. Treat them like small children who themselves are not understand what they want. Strictly, but … with love. And everything will be – just wonderful!

A life

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