English scientists trained in the laboratory spider

English scientists trained in a spider laboratoryA photo from open sources

Researchers from the University of Manchester UK trained a female spider-horse from the species Phidippus regius to learn the amazing abilities of this arthropod.

For their experiment, English scientists used a spider to nickname Kim weighing 150 milligrams and 15 millimeters long. The arthropod was placed in a special container where it was forced to jump high and long with one tiny platforms to another.

Using high-resolution video cameras, specialists captured the movement of a spider in slow motion. Turning on the video below, you can see this action with your eyes.

Dr. Mostafa Nabavi, one of the authors of the study, tells:

In our work, we focus on unusual spider jumping abilities. The spider-horse is able to overcome for one jump is a distance 6 times the length of his body, and this is when starting from a place. A person, by comparison, can jump on height equal to the maximum of his height, and when jumping from place to side he will cover a distance equal to a maximum of 1.5 of his height. Force, provided by the claws of a spider-horse during take-off, can 5 times exceed the weight of the spider. This is truly astounding, and if we understand such biomechanics, we can use the knowledge gained in other areas of research. For example, we plan to create microscopic robots that will jump on such impressive distances.

Despite the severity of the stated goal, Web users The British were mostly skeptical about the study. The fact is that on the Internet, the combination of “English scientists “has long become a household word, commensurate with the concept of “pseudo-scientists”: all too often the British come out with absurd scientific ideas, and their “discoveries” in science are often awarded Shnobelevskaya, already well-known in the world since 1991 prizes of the year (parodies of the prestigious international Nobel premium).


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