Environmentally friendly rocket appeared in Russia fuel

Environmentally friendly rocket fuel has appeared in RussiaA photo from open sources

Today, the traditional fuel – hydrazine, which is not only very toxic, but therefore environmentally harmful: this rocket fuel has long been does not satisfy customers and others with its technical characteristics, in particular it is too weak pulse traction.

The developers of the Russian experimental center “Applied Chemistry” at recently reported that they have found a new, much more effective fuel for rockets. While this is reflected only in the abstract of the report, which scientists are preparing for the Academic Readings in Cosmonautics (in this year this event will begin on January 29).

What are the advantages of the new – “green” – rocket fuel, as the inventors themselves conditionally call it:

  • this fuel can be without exaggeration attributed to the third category hazard (hydrazine belongs to the first), that is, the new Russian fuel is low toxic;
  • the thrust volumetric momentum is higher than that of hydrazine, at least in one and a half times;
  • increased density is another positive feature new rocket fuel (1.35 g / cm3);
  • extremely low freezing point, which is large developers achievement;
  • and finally, the cost of fuel is an order of magnitude lower than that of traditional hydrazine.

These developments, specified in the abstract, were carried out on assignment leadership of Roskosmos. The experimental plant “Applied Chemistry” created green fuel that will be used primarily for rocket engines, including as part of the implementation of the Russian moon exploration programs. In addition, a unique fuel will find widespread use in booster blocks and various gas generating units. Even drones using propulsion devices may very well now fly ecologically clean and high quality fuel.

Missiles Russia

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