A photo from open sources
The other day in the Russian city of Essentuki, Stavropol Territory, accused of shocking crime an old man was detained. The past story is very reminiscent of a classic horror movie “Psycho” by Alfred Hitchcock. Fortunately, unlike the antagonist of this paintings, essentucian did not kill anyone, but only mummified the body own mother, who passed away from natural causes, and appropriated the pension of the deceased.
A sixty-year-old detainee admitted that his ninety-year-old the mother he loved very much died three years ago and he doesn’t he wanted to bury her, because he believes such a ritual is not aesthetic. There are no crematoria in the city, so the man decided mummify a relative on her own. To do this, he daily rubbed her dead body with salt, and the corpse really did not decompose. Soon, the criminal realized that he could receive powers of attorney to mother retirement, taking with her her passport. For all this time essentucine robbed the state at five hundred seventy six thousand rubles.
The neighbors who stopped seeing the elderly woman became keep an eye on her son. The man became closed, taciturn and unsociable. Moreover, he carried boxes home almost every day With salt. In the end, the neighbors realized that the neighbor’s apartment wasn’t all right, and turned to law enforcement. Home-grown the embalmer for a long time did not want to let the police into his apartment, and then they had to use force. Is it worth saying that law enforcement officers did not find words when they saw the human the mummy lying quietly on the bed in the room where she once lived the mother of the offender.
At the moment, the investigative department of Essentuki is conducting pre-investigation check, the results of which will be accepted procedural decision.