A photo from open sources
Messages about some mysterious objects located and found in the human body, began to come from the end of the 80s last century. So, in the mid-80s, Oxford employees Clinics Harlow and Clark with a routine amniotic examination fluids of a woman with a microscope found among chromosomes a tiny foreign body.
A photo from open sources
It was like a “matrix with regular square cells, containing inclusions in the form of binary code. “Pseudoscientific the public, and after it the ubiquitous press christened these objects “implants” (lat. “implanted into the body”). therefore we agree to call certain objects of non-biological origin embedded in living human tissue by an unknown in a manner and with unknown purposes. However at the beginning of our small articles consider cases of the mere manifestation of metals in the body of Homo Sapiens. Of course, metal fragments appearing in human bodies as a result of injuries on the battlefield, domestic and industrial injuries, surgical operations, etc. here they will not be considered as trivial, although in the aforementioned In these cases, very interesting and mysterious phenomena are manifested. Paul Bragg, author of the acclaimed work “Fasting” describes an incident that happened to him. I can not vouch for the accuracy of the quote, but the course of events is described absolutely correctly. “It was the fourteenth day annual monthly fasting period. I sailed a boat down the course of a small rivulet. Suddenly, a sharp severe pain, accompanied by convulsions. With difficulty I got out on shore, and here about half a cup of mercury naturally came out of me. I was amazed, but later recalled that in childhood I stuffed with medicine “Calomel”, since I suffered from chronic colds, and this medicine was made on mercury basis. “But the case is very recent and much more mysterious. The 53-year-old electrician from Nikolaevsk-on-Amur Pavel Popkov turned to district clinic about phlegmon on the left shoulder. What is it there was a surprise and some confusion of the surgeon when, opening an inflamed area, he found poisonously gleaming in the wound mercury. Fluoroscopy performed later found in a patient whose biochemical analyzes were absolutely normal, the presence of a huge the amount of mercury in the body. Poisonous metal “sparkled” at the electrician everywhere except the skull. Mercury found in the circulatory system and lymph nodes. By the way, Popkov became interested militia – Paul used to work at gold mining before enterprise, and there, as you know, is used for refining (gold recovery) is precisely mercury. Later it became known that for several months before the events described with mercury phlegmon to an eighteen-year-old man came to the doctors – so gold mining was nothing to do with, just doctors in the second case turned out to be more alert, curious and more professional. But a completely different class of detectable in living human tissues items provides much more space for reflection and inspires obvious concern to their researchers. As it was already noticed earlier, from the end of the 80s more and more reports of extraction of muscle and bone tissue from pains of incomprehensible origin to doctors of patients, strange items. Their linear dimensions varied from fractions of millimeters. to units of centimeters. Items were placed in the most unexpected body parts – feet, abdominal wall, nasal septum and so on Further. Alarmed by the growing reports of special services United States (FBI, NSA, and most of all the CIA) are closely engaged given problem. The American intelligence even appeared full-time specialist – Dr. Roger Lear. By the way, almost the first the story of Dr. Lear’s removal of a metal implant from the patient’s legs bypassed the pages of newspapers and magazines and is probably one of the few permitted for disclosure. The rest, as usual, is covered in a veil of secrecy, and closed information with the frightening stamp “Top Secret” safely, as in one of the first X-Files episodes, buried in secret underground storage facilities. Let us briefly outline this case, just to to have an idea of what constitutes implant. Since the mid-90s for examination to Dr. Lira CIA sent more than two hundred people. Each of them agreed to extraction of foreign objects from their soft or bone tissues. One of the first items recovered was similar to the letter “T” long about a centimeter. He was embedded in the bone of a healthy woman’s foot and covered with a dark membrane of organic origin, not amenable to cutting with a sharp medical scalpel. In addition, the membrane strangely fused with the iron core of the implant and bones of the foot. The subject itself was covered with microscopic processes, implanted in bones, cartilage and even nerve endings. Fabrics around the implant had an unusual structure, they were displaced and as if “otherwise assembled.” The same cases were recorded in Russia. At the beginning 2000 at the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. I.I. Janelidze in a thirty-year-old patient with a computer examination experts found a dark spot on the monitor screen. At a detailed examination of the spot suddenly turned into a complex a geometric shape consisting of several rectangles. A foreign body measuring less than five millimeters was clearly artificial origin and clearly stood out against a background of more bright brain cells. Not identifying the patient pathological changes, experts attributed the fact of the presence in the skull of a foreign subject to the category of misunderstandings that are “irrelevant”. Well and now the most interesting – what is it, where and why? Exist several hypotheses of the appearance of foreign formations in living tissue. As always, frightened townsfolk sin on the machinations of special services. Like, power structures to instill the power of those in power are experiencing and implement the latest motion control system and, worse, thoughts and behavior of an unsuspecting population. This the version does not stand up to criticism, since the technical and the biological level of the extracted implants is far ahead current earthly abilities to merge living and nonliving matter. The second version is more believable. Many implant holders recalled that “they were once abducted by aliens and carried out some medical manipulations and experiments with their bodies. “Possible option, if only because purely terrestrial logic is not clear the introduction of implants into the bodies of people. And finally, the third hypothesis, having two varieties. “A” – the human brain is far from studied thing and can present any, the most striking surprises. He has the power to generate an abduction hallucination aliens, and then using their psychokinetic resources, to implant in your body an object of any degree of complexity. Well, the option “B” is an involuntary teleportation in space. As you know, in the layers of terrestrial rocks tens of years, and even hundreds of millions of years have found and are finding objects belonging current earthly civilization. These are household items, jewelry jewelry, building tools and materials. Yet again, explanations like “there used to be a well and things from the surface moved forty meters deep “ridiculous. The only thing the explanation is involuntary teleportation. It is very likely that each hypothesis has a right to exist. And special services gradually experiencing some of the latest biotechnological development. And the intervention of aliens cannot be ruled out. AND involuntary spatio-temporal teleportation may have a place. Often, some kind of hypothesis cannot explain everything the phenomenon as a whole, and the synthesis of several assumptions, their symbiosis help to understand the essence of the problem. In connection with this, hot disputes of perestroika time, when the “gateways opened” and on Soviet citizen surged streams previously unavailable ufological information. Controversy surrounding origin “flying saucers”. Some claimed that they were aliens from the near or deep space. Others with foam at the mouth defended the view that “these are guests from parallel worlds,” the third – “these are plasma education “, fourth – …, and so on. And the truth is that everyone was right. The UFO phenomenon is so diverse that, rather of everything, inside it there is a place for aliens, and “guests”, and even such manifestations, the essence of which is human consciousness can never. The same with implants! D. Kuznetsov “Interesting newspaper. Psi factor” №10 2012
Time Russia Teleportation