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In November, Boris Alexandrovich Astafyev spent in Yekaterinburg training seminar on the laws of the universe. We met him and he spoke about the time in which we live, and how to live so difficult transition period. – Boris Alexandrovich, now everyone is talking about the coming time of the transition to a new era. Like when will this happen?
“We live on the eve of the quantum leap.” Humanity will come soon to a new level of development and will live in a qualitatively different environment habitat. This transition will begin, according to my calculations, in late October 2013. This is a rather difficult stage. Its severity will depend from what spiritual, creative potential will suit him humanity. No one can say how this will happen, but in any case, it will depend on the general condition of humanity for this period.
– Is humanity ready for the transition?
– In general, the Earth is not a very favorable background for the transition. Now in the world there is an increase in chaos. This happens in the world of science, both in art and in society. In the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century there was a flowering of science, culture. Since the second half of the XX century in the world goes the prevalence of chaos. Culture began to lose pure divine features. Pop music, metal, cubism – they do not reflect harmony of the world, all this introduces humanity into chaos. Man is supreme creature on earth. The Creator has created all the conditions so that a person can live happily on this planet. For him, nature, plants, animals. We must be grateful for this and use for the good opportunities provided. But we create chaos.
– How inevitable is chaos in this period?
– Any quantum leap is accompanied by chaos. This is the law of fractal systems. Our world here on Earth is fractal system. Upon completion of a certain stage of development in chaos arises in the system and a new structure is built. After the quantum jump remains a small number of individuals from the previous systems: there will be as many as necessary for the development of this civilization at a new stage.
There have already been quantum leaps in the history of the Earth. On their example, we we see that during this period several species of living creatures disappeared. IN at the same time, new species suddenly come. The Creator already knows how and under what conditions certain types of living things can live and evolve since similar systems already existed on others the planets. The Creator has already determined the area of their existence and knows how they will behave on Earth after its transition to another level. is he brings these species during the quantum transition
In the material world, it looks like one species is very fast. changes to another species by changing the genetic code. it may occur due to the information carried in itself neutrino. Neutrinos are microparticles, their flow permeates the entire our universe. They easily pass through the entire thickness of the Earth. Information through neutrinos can instantly penetrate genetic structure of living things and change it.
– Man is a being with consciousness and freedom. of choice. Can it affect processes during quantum a jump?
– The Creator sends us knowledge of the laws. It helps a person change the processes of transition to a new state. In particular mine the work that I did with others changes the conditions humanity’s passage through the quantum leap.
Knowledge of laws is the power that reduces negative quantum transition effect. We are working to make it softer and more people were able to overcome it. In order to the quantum leap was successful for humans, it was necessary discover those laws, create the education system that will make human moral and capable in life to make the right choice on the path of its development.
– What is the essence of your discoveries?
– I was able to scientifically prove the existence of the Creator and discover the most general laws of nature.
Central Law – The Law of Creation, including the main formula in the life of the Universe – the Basic Genome of the World. This is a common scientific the foundation upon which the understanding of other laws is based and patterns, their interdependence and mutual influence. As a result of these discoveries it became possible to answer many questions previously remaining a mystery of Nature.
I have been doing science for 51 years. My discoveries were made at the base everything that was created in the previous period of the development of science and culture. Culture and religions recreate the big picture of life and Earth development. I managed to combine disparate knowledge of sciences in the unified cosmic science of our Earth. I, as a representative of science, gave evidence base for those fundamental processes that occur on earth.
“Have you scientifically proven the existence of God?”
– When they ask me if I believe in God, I reply: “I know what he is! ”
– How to bring your discoveries into practice real life?
– First of all, you need to know the laws. You can read about them in my works. Including, and in my future book “Theory genetic energy-informational unity and creation of the World. “She prepared for print.
Knowledge of laws already gives a lot for the formation of man their behavior. Compliance with laws is, first of all, moral behavior, and morality is already inherent in man, in every cell, every atom. Acting against morality it means shortening your life. In every atom of man and all The Universe is present World Spirit. We are all controlled by God no matter what we do, everything becomes known to him. According to our affairs and People are being selected to move to a new level. From point of view The hierarchs make a choice, these people are worthy to live in a new world, and these are not very. But these people, while unworthy to overcome the transition, can use their chance and start acting differently. For of this and laws are open, use them in your life, change your life, and they will be able to move to a new level, overcoming difficulties quantum transition.
Based on my work and discoveries, a noospheric system was created education. This system was developed by Natella Vladimirovna Maslova. This is the best education system in the world at the moment.
– How do you manage to make fundamental discoveries in so venerable age? What is your secret?
– I have been in science for 51 years. Now I work at the Russian Academy science in the department of noosphere education. For maintain health, go in for sports – race walking.
There is a law of exaltation of spirituality. It was discovered by William Wund, an outstanding German psychologist and philosopher. French psychologists studied human potential and concluded that the maximum a person reaches the age of 19–21 years of age. With the passage of life the level of intelligence in an ordinary person decreases and comes to critical level to 40 years.
Intelligence may increase with age! If a person is engaged by himself, increases his spiritual level, then the level of intelligence grows, creativity develops, while maintaining good level of health. This happens because a person includes in its activity deeper layers of atoms, which have twenty-seven layers of power. The most powerful are in depth, the least powerful are near the surface. Most people use surface layers. Geniuses live off more deep layers, starting from the eighth onwards. In this regard, they are not understood by the majority, because they live by other principles, in other terms.
Raising your spiritual level is profitable. Everything else will be given. Such a person becomes interesting to God and the Hierarchs who us lead. Help a person, providing everything necessary for further creative growth.
Interview conducted by Igor Governors
Boris Alexandrovich Astafiev discovered the World Genome, several dozen universal laws of the world and created scientifically sound theory of genetic and energy-informational unity Of the world. Genome.
B. A. Astafyev – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Grand Doctor of Philosophy, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Noosphere Academy Science and Education, International Telecommunications Academy, International Academy of Informatization, New York Academy of Sciences, Professor. Author of 12 monographs, two manuals, more than 220 scientific articles on the problems of creation of the World, the organization of life World systems, as well as various issues of medicine, ecology and education. Time Universe Life Plant Health